I know Dracula or an encounter vampire can fight multiple hunters, but can it work the other way around? What if a hunter finds Dracula in a city with a vampire encounter card? Does the hunter fight both of them, but if not, which one does he fight and who chooses? Does he fight each one by one? I couldn't find anything in the rules about this situation and it came up during my game last night.
Combat vs. Multiple Vampires?
If Dracula ambushes with the vampires the hunters fight them one after another. Dracula chooses the order. Dracula may also choose to ambush with only one, leaving the other to be searched for.
If the hunters find multiple vampires by searching they are again fought one after the other. However, the hunters pick the order when a search uncovers them.
And if there is a vampire and Dracula on the location the vampire is fought as soon as it ambushes or is found by search. Dracula is fought at dawn or dusk
D4L3W is correct. In summary, there is never more than one vampire (including Dracula) in a fight at any one time. But it is possible for there to be several fights in the same day.
Edited by randydivIt is my understanding that if a vampire encounter card is revealed with a search action that the fight is not immediate, but happens during the next dawn/dusk. The only time a fight is immediate is during an ambush. Am I mistaken?
So if Dracula and an encounter vampire are both on a spot with a hunter at dawn/dusk, the player fights each of them one at a time? And Dracula chooses the order?
It is my understanding that if a vampire encounter card is revealed with a search action that the fight is not immediate, but happens during the next dawn/dusk. The only time a fight is immediate is during an ambush. Am I mistaken?
So if Dracula and an encounter vampire are both on a spot with a hunter at dawn/dusk, the player fights each of them one at a time? And Dracula chooses the order?
From the Rules Reference on Vampires: "If a hunter either resolves a search action or is ambushed in a hideout or lair and an encounter card is revealed that reads, 'fight this vampire,' a combat occurs." Fighting an encounter vampire always takes place immediately after a hunter move (if Dracula ambushes) or a search.
From the Rules Reference on Search actions: "When a hunter performs a search action, Dracula must reveal any encounter cards that are not already revealed from the hideout or lair the hunter currently occupies. Then, he resolves the text on that encounter card , ignoring any matured effect, in the order of the hunter’s choice." There is no delay.
The only difference between the two is if there is more than one encounter on the hideout. Dracula chooses the order of resolution in an ambush , the Hunter chooses the order in a search .
Edited by randydivAhh, okay, thank you very much!