Hi there! My tactical marine has signature Storm Bolter with motion predictor and he always takes Kraken Bolts and Metal Storm Rounds on a mission.
Storm Bolter is a bolter that simply multiplies hits by 2. Kraken Bolts give it Pen 8 and Metal Storms are give it Blast 2 quality.
Now, my tac has two basic strategies. Anti-horde and anti-armor.
He always shoots with full-auto burst with BS modified with +20 from the action +10 from Motion Predictor and usually +10 from the target neing in half of the weapons range (which for Krakens is 150m by the way). I can also help myself by granting +5 from Ultramarines Squad Mode Abiliy (it also gives also a single re-roll per turn for entire team). That gives him +45 to BS test while shooting full auto burst. His BS characteristic is 62, so his effective BS equals 107.
This means that I need roll of 67 to hit with all 8 bullets on a shot. Considering that the average throw is 50, I consider this quite OP. Here's why:
In anti-horde mode: using Metal Storms each hit multiplies into 3 (2 from Blast and 1 from X Type). Usually they all hurt the enemy, so one round of shooting equals 8x3=24 horde damage.
In anti-armor mode: using Krakens each hit deals on average around 20dmg with Pen8. Summing it up gives 20x8=160dmg against heavily armoured (AR<=8[<=by the way, I didn't want this to look like *****]) enemy.
Isn't that just too much? My marine is Rank 2 and he already can kill Carnifexes with one full auto burst? Is it normal in Deathwatch or is this character broken?