After having a flick through the new book, I've noticed that a few of the NPC enemies have special abilities that grant them extra attacks as Free Actions. The wording of some of these abilities indicates that these Free Action attacks occur immediately after another Attack action. This seems to blatantly break the limit on one Attack action per round and the FAQ ruled on this in a similar manner for the Desperado Move and Shoot ability.
Here are a couple of examples. First up: Dark Eldar Incubus on page 117.
Master of the Klaive : Once per round, when an Incubus inflicts Critical damage on an Elite or Master opponent (or a PC), he may make a melee Standard Attack action against another foe in range as a Free Action.
Second: Eldar Striking Scorpion on page 107.
Scorpion Sting: As part of a Charge action, a Striking Scorpion may make an additional Standard Attack or Semi-Auto Burst action with his mandiblasters as a Free Action. This occurs once he reaches the target, but before he makes his melee attack. He suffers a -10 penalty on his Ballistic Skill test but also benefits from relevant modifiers for range as normal.
I'm curious about what this might mean. On the one hand, the abilities are very much in line with what you would expect these NPC combatants to be able to do. However, these abilities do completely ignore the Action limitations that are placed on the players and ignore the previous rule treatment for Move and Shoot. Is this something that could/should be modified to make it conform to the rules or should the Action limitations be revised to allow more cool stuff for players and NPCs? This would also make the Desperado's ability more exciting again.