Warhammer Quest FAQ/Errata?

By valwyn, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

Finally received the game and played it for the first time last night. Liked it a lot but there were some issues with clarity. By chance is there an official errata or FAQ yet for the game or is it too new for that?

No official FAQ, but an unofficial one is being compiled on BGG. To be honest though, I don't really think that there are many things in the game that cannot be discovered by simply reading the rulebooks. Sounds obvious, but the Rules Reference Guide is really good and has an index as well.

Interpretation of abilities was one of the problems we had initially, but if you read it literally then you shouldn't have much trouble.

Thanks! I went back and reread everything and you are right, I saw some things I misread/misunderstood that a good re-reading caught! :)

Bbg FAQ is pretty good


Most of it is rules you can find in rules reference but sometimes it is nice to have question and answer format. There is some stuff about conditions that are still up in the air...can you "become sickened if you can't recieve a condition" or "can you become sickened if you are sickened?" The former applies to the nightcloak and the latter applies to nemesis in quest 2. Jury is out...