I've got a few questions concerning the name of cards and its effects.
Let's take a look at two cards: Ravager from the Deep and Richard Pickman.
-- Cthulhu --
Ravager from the Deep
Type : Character
Cost : 4
Skill : 2
Icons : CCA
Subtype : Deep One.
Game Text: Villainous. Toughness +1. Forced Response: After Ravager from the Deep is committed to a story, wound all other characters at that story.
Flavor text:
Illustrator: Lars Simkins
Collector's Info: Core Set F46
-- Syndicate --
•Richard Upton Pickman, Genius Painter
Type : Character
Cost : 4
Skill : 3
Icons : CCI
Subtype : Cultist.
Game Text: Action: Pay 2 to choose a character. Until the end of the phase, Richard Upton Pickman gains that character's keywords and triggered abilities. Then, treat that character as though its printed text box were blank until the end of the phase.
Flavor text:
Illustrator: Nick Percival
Collector's Info: Core Set F63
Situation A :
Both cards are in play. Player A (Cthulhu player) decides to attempt a story. He sends a few characters (2 keepers of the golden path). Player B (Syndicate) pays 2 to use Pickman effect on the Ravager (copying and blanking its gametext). Then, Player B goes to the same story with Pickman.
Pickman effectively gains Toughness+1 and a rather useless gametext. He can't use it for himself: he's not a Ravager from the Deep and the gametext requires a 'Ravager from the Deep' titled character to commit !
The gametext requires a precise title to work. Looks correct to me.
Situation B:
Both cards are, once again, in play. Player B copy and blank Player A's Ravager. Player B attempts to a story with a few characters. Then, Player B decides to send its blanked Ravager in defense, arguing that its effect still works. Yes, it is blanked but Pickman's gametext says now "Forced Response: After Ravager from the Deep is committed to a story, wound all other characters at that story." and a Ravager have just commited to a story !
Player B argues that Ravager's gametext doesn't explicitly require the Ravager to be "this one". Is this right ?
I'm a lot less sure about this one, guys.
Any thoughts ? A reference to a rule, ruling or errata would be a huge bonus.