I loved Mouse Guard. I was thrilled at the idea of a Mouse Guard RPG. Then Burning Wheel happened to it... and Burning Wheel is not something that I enjoy. So I had a thought. Why not strip down Edge of the Empire to have a simple little narrative Mouse Guard RPG? I jotted the following down quickly, and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the matter.
Rolls are resolved as usual for Edge of the Empire. You roll your mixed pool, note success or failure, and spend advantage, threat, triumph, and despair.
Characteristics are as follows:
--Health is a measure of physical power, endurance, coordination, etc. It adds to your Wound Threshold.
--Will is a measure of mental acuity, attention to detail, focus, etc. It adds to your Strain Threshold.
--Nature is simply put, what comes naturally to a creature. It describes various actions that are within a creature's nature. Such as a mouse having Nature (Escaping, Climbing, Hiding, Foraging) 3.
Taxing Characteristics
On any check, you may take 2 strain to tax the used characteristic, upgrading your check. However, for the remainder of the encounter, you take a Setback die on all checks using that characteristic to represent fatigue, and you may not tax the same characteristic again this encounter. If you tax Nature, it gives you 2 upgrades. You may tax Nature on a check that is not related to your Nature, but this costs 4 strain and gives you a Setback on all checks for the remainder of the encounter.
Skills are as follows: Athlete, Deceiver, Fighter, Haggler, Healer, Instructor, Leader, Loremouse*, Militarist, Orator, Pathfinder, Persuader, Scout, Survivalist, Tradesmouse**, Weather Watcher