Hey players, I have been getting into this game and i must say I love it. I given up YUGIOH for it. There are some cards right now im seeking im willing to buy or trade (yugioh or kingdom hearts) cards for them its not much but i really really want these cards so let me know =P
AIM: UpBequalsSiiYaAA
Cards I want:
2x Roxas (Mysterious boy)
2x Riku
2x Sora Valor Form
3x Oblivion
3x Lionhart (if its out)
3x Bouncywilds
3x Bambi
2x Pence
1x Olette
1x Hayner
2x Barbosa
2x Ursula
1x Captain Hook
1x Hades
xX Organization XIII members
xX Gargoyle
xX Undead Pirates
xX Stealth Sneak
I'll add more later, if your looking for yugiohs ask me what i have =D i will trade alot for KH cards.