Multiple trades in a single turn

By Charmy, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Quick question for you guys (rule book is unclear).

Can multiple trades occur in the same move action? That is, can I trade with multiple different heroes, or the same hero multiple times?

Example: We were playing the map Reclamation yesterday from Labyrinth of Ruin, and the Sun Standard in Encounter 2 is supposed to be trade-able using the normal rules for trading normal items.

The goal of this map is to kill monsters while holding the standard. You also want to make sure the hero carrying the standard isn't defeated, as that gives the Overlord objective tokens. So what we did is this:

- Hero A has very good armor, so he picks up the Sun Standard. He then performs an attack defeating a monster and gaining an objective token.

- Hero B performs a move action, moves next to hero A, takes the standard, and then attacks and defeats another monster while still having movement points left. They then give the standard back to Hero A OR alternatively they give the standard to hero C, so that Hero C does not have to perform a move action on their turn.

Permissible? The rulebook doesn't mention how many times trades can occur during the move action and with how many people.

Edited by Charmy

Multiple trades per move action is permissible. I haven't double checked the rules specific to the sun standard, but hero A can certainly perform a move action, spend a MP to be adj to hero B, trade, then spend MP to be adj with hero C and trade with him.

One thing you need to consider is the equip items is before perform actions. So you cannot do a move action to get items and then equip them. However player B could take items off player a and give to player C to use on his turn.

Thanks for the answers guys.

I'm aware that items that are traded are not equipped. However, in the case of certain items, such as the Sun Standard, it is not an item that needs to be equipped in order to function.

Seems cheezy, but I guess it was legal after all :P

Edited by Charmy

I missed that part. Quite clever! ;)

Heroes trading items like they are passing the ball in rugby while carrying a two-handed axe, seems fair:p