The Emperor Has Spoken! The Venues for the Emperor's Decree Announced

By ynnen, in 2009 WFRP The Emperor's Decree Event

A list of the venues that will be participating in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay pre-release event has been announced!

Click the link below to find a venue near you. You can support Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay by participating in the event at a venue in your area.

YAY!!!!! my store was picked!!!!!! that means a few vids guys.....but...sadly my FLGS cant let me record at the store do to other copy right stuff wont get a REAL session demo...but i talked him into letting me take the core set home to do a full product review and also i will give a full report on the demo session, what worked what didnt and such : ) yay!!! FFG ROCKS!!! i do have to give the core set sadly :P

It looks like a good mix of stores - and selfishly I see that my FLGS was one of the ones selected, so I now know what I'll be doing on the 14th! gran_risa.gif

schoon said:

It looks like a good mix of stores - and selfishly I see that my FLGS was one of the ones selected, so I now know what I'll be doing on the 14th! gran_risa.gif

same here :P cant wait!!!!

Anybody in Colorado? Want to do a meet-up?

Jay H


Our gang just got an email back from one of our Colorado stores and they didn't know what the hell we were talking about (none of the owners knew that there was a WFRP3 event). Jeez! Now I'm cranky :P


Got word that our FLGS at Valhallas got the stuff, but won't have much/any room for it because they are already packed up with Pathfinder and Living Forgotten Realms games and the even is supposed to run from store-opening until 10am (they open at 10am). Kind of disappointing. I'm really surprised that the other major stores here didn't get it: Attacktix and Enchanted Grounds. There's the stores in the mall of course, but they don't have any seating and they typically just have one cashier who shows people stuff and then has to walk off to serve other customers. Moan groan moan whine whine whine, etc. etc. We shall see if this takes off! I've got all my friends emailing like crazy to show interest.


Yes! My FLGS has it one of only 2 in Maryland. I'll be at Legends. can't wait. WOOOOOOOO!

Can I ask if there's a particular reason why there are no demos outside of the US (well, apart from one in Quebec)?

Bertolac said:

Can I ask if there's a particular reason why there are no demos outside of the US (well, apart from one in Quebec)?

There are actually quite a few venues outside the US participating in the Emperor's Decree event . I've been very pleased with the international response. Depending on where you live, you can contact the local distributor to find a location:

Canada - Lion Rampant – (800) 992-7679
France - Millennium – (33) 534-364-050x111
Germany - Heidelberger Spieleverlag (General Distribution) – +49 6261 917854
Italy - Giochi Uniti srl – +39 0584 438501
Netherlands - PS Games – +31 (0)492 509898
Poland - Bard Centrum – 48 12 632 07 35
Spain - Edge Entertainment – 34-902-010-376
United Kingdom - Esdevium – 44(0)1420 593 593

Must have missed that info. Thanks.