Han Solo, what?

By Darkfine, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

How does this work? Does his card ability not interact with the rogue keyword? Does his ability mean he circumvents the normal imitative order?

Thanks for the thoughts!

Hans ability simple let's him activate first as if activated normally

This means that he moves and shoot, before any Ship in the Ship the phase after which he is now activated and can no longer work in the squadron phase

His ability is unaffected by initiative unless both players have Han then 1st player activates first.

He can also wait to be activated by a ship or even the squadron phase.

Does his ability count as one of the activated squadrons when resolving the squadron command? If a ship has squadron value of 3 do they get to activate 3 squadrons plus Han Solo?

At the Start of the Ship Phase, you may choose to activate Han Solo as if he was activated by a Squadron Command.

This means that, before anything... Before any Orders have been issued. .. he may activate on his own.

THEN you reveal your first ship command, and if that is a Squadron Command - Han Solo has either been activated on his own and has already been activated - OR, you may activate him then with a Squadron Command. OR you could activate other squadrons and just activate Han in the Squadron Phase.

Does his ability count as one of the activated squadrons when resolving the squadron command? If a ship has squadron value of 3 do they get to activate 3 squadrons plus Han Solo?

What leads you to think if you activate Han with a Squadron Command he wouldn't count against that command? Should there be something then that needs to have an FAQ entry to clear up?

Does his ability count as one of the activated squadrons when resolving the squadron command? If a ship has squadron value of 3 do they get to activate 3 squadrons plus Han Solo?

He counts.

The real question is: why waste a command on him when he can activate on his own? Seems utterly pointless.

Edit: unless you want to Tallon him I suppose.

Edited by Green Knight

Well, you might want to be the one hwo shoots activates not first . To fly by after the enemy activated.

Does his ability count as one of the activated squadrons when resolving the squadron command?

If a ship has squadron value of 3 do they get to activate 3 squadrons plus Han Solo?

Does his ability count as one of the activated squadrons when resolving the squadron command? If a ship has squadron value of 3 do they get to activate 3 squadrons plus Han Solo?

He counts.

The real question is: why waste a command on him when he can activate on his own? Seems utterly pointless.

Edit: unless you want to Tallon him I suppose.

Or shoot twice with Yavaris. Waiting to see what happens first may also be worth waiting till a squadron command or the squadron phase. Han comes with all kinds of flexibility.

This means that, before anything... Before any Orders have been issued. .. he may activate on his own.

This is not the case. Ship Phase (when solo can activate on his own) comes after the Command Phase. The Command Phase is when dials are set, so orders are already set.

This means that, before anything... Before any Orders have been issued. .. he may activate on his own.

This is not the case. Ship Phase (when solo can activate on his own) comes after the Command Phase. The Command Phase is when dials are set, so orders are already set.

Issued = Revealed. I apologise for my poor word choice.

So we get it out there , Han Solo goes before "the ship phase" not "your ship phase" . So he gets to activate before your opponent ship phase. So if you were player 2 you would get to go first at the beginning of a round with Han before player 1 could activate a ship

This means that, before anything... Before any Orders have been issued. .. he may activate on his own.

This is not the case. Ship Phase (when solo can activate on his own) comes after the Command Phase. The Command Phase is when dials are set, so orders are already set.

Issued = Revealed. I apologise for my poor word choice.

Ah, well I misunderstood, so I apologize as well :)

Han shoots first!! :wub:

(if he wants to...)

Apologies for resurrecting this thread - wanted to double check on Han's activation

He can activate at the start of the Ship Phase - so after the Command Phase when you choose command dials.

If I am the first player, and I choose to activate Han at the start of the Ship Phase, can I then activate my first ship in the Ship Phase, or does Han "count as" my first activation as first player?

i.e. can I get two activations in a row if I am the first player?

He activates, for lack of a better term, out of order ... The game then proceeds with the first Ship activation, and if you are first player, that would be yours...

So indeed. After command dials are set, but before any are Revealed... Boom. Han goes and does that whole shooting first thing...

Then, once Han is done... The game proceeds as Normal...

So you can potentially activate Han LAST at the end of the Squadron Phase to set him up... Then immediately at the start of the next turn.. Then throw a ship at the enemy...

And if Han's done his job blasting through Shields on that facing, that can be a hurting opponents...

Edited by Drasnighta


I was thinking something similar myself, but it sounded a bit good :)

It is good.

But that's why you're paying Twenty Six points for a Squadron who Does NOT have Bomber .