looking for some clarity on when activities happen - scenario:
Dracula phase: Dracula moved to location, places 'new vampire' as his encounter card.
dawn? nothing
Day - Dr Steward happens to move onto Dracula's location - Dracula is revealed instantly, he plays the 'new vampire' as an ambush.
The rules say this encounter happens immediately - so is this battle fought in the day? We assumed it was.
- the vampire survived, after mauling Dr Steward. - But is the card then discarded, per 'discard encounter card once used for ambush' rule?
Remaining hunters were too far away to reach the city where Dracula was.
Dusk - Dr Steward then encountered Dracula at night? So is this a night battle? (The tracker is still on daytime at this point before moving to night phase.)
Dracula clobbered Dr Steward down to 1 hp before the 6 turn of combat limit was met.
Hunters carry out night actions.
Dracula phase - sensing a kill, Dracula played 'feed' to stay in the same location.
Dawn? - Dracula then fights Dr Steward again - this is now a day combat? The good Dr was rapidly put in hospital after taking more damage.
Is (all of) the above correct please?