Treachery for 2 regular cards RTL

By player1552943, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Now I know that in a LT. encounter you can trade in one point of treachery for two cards of the same type from the regular deck. Now here comes my question, one of our players contends that it doesn't state that you (OL) can choose these non-treachery cards, but that you just keep drawing until you get two of the matching type. I know this is wrong, but I can't find anything that specifically says that you get to choose. Is there any official, clearly written explanation of this, and where is it?

The word "treachery" doesn't even appear in the FAQ or the GLoAQ, according to my word search.

Does he argue that actual treachery cards need to be selected in the same way?

"In addition, if the overlord has any treachery, he may spend it on a hand of cards. Each card added to his hand in this way costs its normal treachery cost. Additionally, two cards without a treachery cost can be added to his hand for one treachery of the correct type"

The language used is the same (cards are added to your hand for a treachery cost). If you think that language implies the selection has to be random, it should be random for everything.

Of course, there are many different algorithms you could use for random selection, and it doesn't specify one to use. Uniform probability would be a good default, except that the cards have different costs (ranging from 0.5 to 3), so it's not clear how to implement that. So even if you honestly believe that randomness was the intent, you're still forced to make up new rules in order to try to follow that intent.

Personally, if I were going to nitpick that passage, I'd argue about whether you are limited to a maximum of two non-treachery cards, or if you can buy as many as you can afford--that sentence could easily be read either way.

SamVimes said:

Now I know that in a LT. encounter you can trade in one point of treachery for two cards of the same type from the regular deck. Now here comes my question, one of our players contends that it doesn't state that you (OL) can choose these non-treachery cards, but that you just keep drawing until you get two of the matching type. I know this is wrong, but I can't find anything that specifically says that you get to choose. Is there any official, clearly written explanation of this, and where is it?

Dude, I'm sorry to sound harsh but tell your player to stop trying to make an insane end run around the rules. That is some poor gaming right there. It makes no sense whatsoever that you just draw two matching types at random from the OL deck based on the rules for Treachery from WoD and AoD. What possible logic is he using that you can pick the cards you want if you are using Treachery costs, but the non-treachery have to be random? What basis does he even have for inventing a rule like that?

Big Remy said:

Dude, I'm sorry to sound harsh but tell your player to stop trying to make an insane end run around the rules. That is some poor gaming right there. It makes no sense whatsoever that you just draw two matching types at random from the OL deck based on the rules for Treachery from WoD and AoD. What possible logic is he using that you can pick the cards you want if you are using Treachery costs, but the non-treachery have to be random? What basis does he even have for inventing a rule like that?


That's pretty much what I told him, but I thought I'd see if there was a more exhaustive explanation in something official to shut him up for good.

SamVimes said:

That's pretty much what I told him, but I thought I'd see if there was a more exhaustive explanation in something official to shut him up for good.

Unless he can show you something that says you have to do that, he's got nothing to stand on and you've got the RAW and everyone on here agreeing with you. I've never even heard it suggested before that you would have to do something like that.