Rules Question

By Space Monkey, in Warhammer Quest: The Adventure Card Game

Hi all

Regarding the Settlement phase, are you able to choose the same action twice? It doesn't say you can but I also can't find anything that says you can't.

Also, again regarding the Settlement phase, are you only allowed 4 Gear slots? I ask because there are only 4 on the Campaign log sheet.

I know it's still early days yet, but I could do with a FAQ :D


Hi Space Monkey, you can indeed only pick the same action once during the settlement phase. It is confirmed in the RRG under settlement phase. You are also only allowed a maximum of 4 gear slots.

A lot of rules queries such as this have been answered directly by the designers over at BGG. Their forum is a lot more active than this one at present.

Thanks for the reply.

I've read and reread both Settlement Action and Settlement Stage sections and it mentions nothing on only being allowed to do one action once. What am I missing?

Hi, my bad I thought I'd read it in one of the books. It was actually answered by the designer over on BGG, here's the link.

Apologies for my first answer being incorrect.

Happy gaming :-)

Thanks for the link, and apologies not necessary :)

Max of 4 gear slots is implied from character sheet but not mentioned in the rules. RAW, you can upgrade to a 5th gear slot.