I was able to kill the last enemy ship with a zombie MC30. Rules say when last ship is destroyed the game ends. #1 does my zombie ship still get to finish his turn by moving so I could get an objective before the game ends? #2 Does the game even get to statuse phase where the zombie ship is killed giving my enemy the points for the MC30 because the game ended before that phase?
Edited by chriscookRieekan question
This question has been asked, and the only response we've had from FFG so far is that all Rieekan questions would be answered in Batch, probably in a new FAQ when that is released...
So hold tight.
Its otherwise been debated to death.
Under ordinary circumstances, the game ends immediately. You would not make another maneuver to collect a last objective (this also prevents you from maneuvering off the table, or something.)
As for your last ship being on delayed destruction, Dras is right. We have no idea how that's going to pan out.