Thrust Control Malfunction

By chrisrivers, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

How does this critical work? is the yaw on the last joint reduced only on the speed you were at when you got the critical or at whatever speed you are at?

Here is the card text:

Thrust Control Malfunction x2 - Ship - The yaw value for the last adjustable joint at your current speed is reduced by 1.

It stays in play, so it is whatever your Current Speed is, whenever it is current.

Edited by Drasnighta

Yep, look at speed dial, plot manuver for that speed - but the last joint that you can click you have to reduce that value by one. e.g. A ship at speed 3 who has 2 clicks showing on the third joint in their ships speed chart for speed 3 would only be able to perform a maximum of one click on that joint.

Similarly, a VSD or other ship with only one click of yaw will have it reduced to zero.

Thanks, that is what I thought, my opponent was thinking otherwise. Usually FFG does not do things that make you have to remember something like what your speed was when you get a crit.