Force and Destiny Character Folio

By Kainrath, in Star Wars: Force and Destiny RPG

I've been working on the background for the character folio and thought I'd share, for those who like this sort of thing...

(If anyone is working on anything similar, please feel free to share!)

*updated pics, and added a back page down below*



Edited by Kainrath

I redid this to try and match the color scheme of the original book more closely...


Image seems a little broken maybe do a full character on it so we get a better idea what it would look like.

Edited by Tassedar

here we go...


Beautiful! Now I only need images that come close to how my players want to look ... ;)

Here's the back page so far...
how does it look? need to add/remove/change anything?


Kainrath, that looks.... Sexy.

So a person just puts the picture of the character on it?