Questions: OL-Turn, and Obstacles.

By Sinso, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

Back with some new questions, as always:

Page 4 or 5 : the overlord may buy upgrades and move Lts.
It is explicitly stated he can give an order, buy an upgrade, and then give a second order.
[so moving freshly bought Lts.]
Page 24: The OL may buy upgrades, including Lts only AFTER all his orders to Lts have been done.

Which of those RAWs to follow? N’why?

Whats an “Obstacle”?
Can I dump crushing blocks between trees?
Beside Pit traps?
Besides Tables?
Beside ice?


And while we are at it, in the Board-FaQ it's stated the Heroes may only visit town after fighting the Lt which is besieging the city. which is a total contradiction of the manual, where´it's stated the heroes may immediatly go to town as they enter the place, and "additionally fight the Lt". Here i just wonder why it got ruled that way. :-)

Sinso said:

Whats an “Obstacle”?
Can I dump crushing blocks between trees?
Beside Pit traps?
Besides Tables?
Beside ice?

Crushing Block can be put beside anything that doesn't completely block movement. If it restricts movement (like a pit or ice), it's ok.

To clarify: the most recent errata on Crushing Block says that you can't play it next to any "map element" that blocks movement, instead of saying that you can't play it next to obstacles. The FAQ answer includes some examples that are not obstacles.

Q: Which map items count as obstacles for the Crushing Block trap card?
A: Crushing Block may never be played in a space adjacent to any token (or built-in map element) that blocks movement. The reason for this is to prevent the Overlord from sealing a hallway completely and preventing the heroes from ever progressing. This is a list of all relevant obstacles, current through the Road to Legend: Boulder, Crushing Wall, Rubble, Water. (Villagers are figures, not map elements.)

I don't think "map element" has been defined anywhere, but it apparently does not include walls, which seems like a weird terminological choice but appropriate for this specific ruling.

Exactly what counts as an obstacle (which is still an important question for other cards, such as Acrobat) is a little unclear, because starting in Road to Legend, FFG simply stopped telling us. According to the manuals for JitD, WoD, and AoD, rubble, water, pits, mud, lava, fog, corrupted terrain, and altars are obstacles, while scything blades, dart fields, rolling boulders, and crushing walls are instead classified as "traps." All the stuff introduced in RtL and ToI, they never told us (it's listed under one giant "obstacles and props" heading), though ice does have a specific note saying that it doesn't affect figures with Fly , which suggests it's probably an obstacle.

Antistone said:

Exactly what counts as an obstacle (which is still an important question for other cards, such as Acrobat) is a little unclear, because starting in Road to Legend, FFG simply stopped telling us. According to the manuals for JitD, WoD, and AoD, rubble, water, pits, mud, lava, fog, corrupted terrain, and altars are obstacles, while scything blades, dart fields, rolling boulders, and crushing walls are instead classified as "traps." All the stuff introduced in RtL and ToI, they never told us (it's listed under one giant "obstacles and props" heading), though ice does have a specific note saying that it doesn't affect figures with Fly , which suggests it's probably an obstacle.

I'm pretty sure the FAQ also covers what props count as obstacles as well, for most of the important purposes at least.

Corbon said:

Antistone said:

Exactly what counts as an obstacle (which is still an important question for other cards, such as Acrobat) is a little unclear, because starting in Road to Legend, FFG simply stopped telling us. According to the manuals for JitD, WoD, and AoD, rubble, water, pits, mud, lava, fog, corrupted terrain, and altars are obstacles, while scything blades, dart fields, rolling boulders, and crushing walls are instead classified as "traps." All the stuff introduced in RtL and ToI, they never told us (it's listed under one giant "obstacles and props" heading), though ice does have a specific note saying that it doesn't affect figures with Fly , which suggests it's probably an obstacle.

I'm pretty sure the FAQ also covers what props count as obstacles as well, for most of the important purposes at least.

FAQ pg7 (and pg12)
Q: Do the props "Sarcophagus", "Table", "Bed", "Fountain", "Throne", "Bone Heap", "Giant Mushrooms", "Tree" and "Ice" count as obstacles (for the effects of Acrobat and others)?
A: Yes.

Also, FAQ pg11
Q: Which map items count as obstacles for the Crushing Block trap card?
A: Crushing Block may never be played in a space adjacent to any token (or built-in map element) that blocks movement. The reason for this is to prevent the Overlord from sealing a hallway completely and preventing the heroes from ever progressing. This is a list of all relevant obstacles, current through the Road to Legend: Boulder, Crushing Wall, Rubble, Water. (Villagers are figures, not map elements.)