Separated Influence tokens

By Laoghan, in Middle-earth Quest


Just a question for confirmation. Do I get rules correctly that if I cut chain of influence markers then on all locations ifluences are reduced to one? I mean if fe. 3 locations are cut with several ifluences each they are reduced to 1 token PER location cut?


If a location with influence is "cut off" from a Shadow Stronghold, the influence on that location is reduced to 1. It doesn't matter where the break in the chain occurs. Once a break occurs, all locations no longer connected to a Stronghold are reduced to 1 influence.


That solves my problem. Thanks

What about if shadow stronghold losses all its infulence tokens because of a Hero rally step. That means that a path that was to this particular shadow stronghold, all locations in this apth losses all influence tokens, because there is no influence on shadows stronghodl that menas that the maxium infulence that can be in an extension of a shadow stronghold is 0 however.

Shadow Strongholds never lose influence on them.

"In this step, each hero discards all influence tokens from his
current location (as long as he is not in a Shadow Stronghold)." (p. 11)

There is an official ruling from Corey K posted on BGG:

"NO. Heroes may never remove influence from a shadow stronghold unless specifically instructed to."

Reason for the clarification was that there are Event and Encounter cards that can remove influence from within 1/adjacent a Hero in certain locations.

Rule Question:

Do encounter cards such as "The Beornings Ask for Help" that state "You may [...] remove all influence and monster tokens within 1 space of your location" allow a hero to remove all influence from a Shadow Stronghold?



NO. Heroes may never remove influence from a shadow stronghold unless specifically instructed to.

So upon your playing the game, have you found a specific event or encounter that removes the infulence tokens from the Shadow stronghold, because as it seems from above heroes can't do that right?

There is that quoted Beorning encounter, there is at least 1 Green Flag Event that allows you to move Gandalf to any location and remove all influence (and monster tokens IIRC) from that location. Funny seeing Gandy zip over to Barad-Dur and shove his staff up Sauron backside partido_risa.gif .

Haven't seen any cards that specifically remove influence from Shadowholds.