
By MythicalMino, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark question:

Can the Overlord spawn monsters in previously explored areas?

Ex: The Heroes have gone through Area 1, cleared out the monsters, and moved on to Area 2. Can the Overlord now spawn monsters in Area 1 (since the heroes are deep in Area 2, no line of sight into the previous area)?



Mynnotaur said: question:

Can the Overlord spawn monsters in previously explored areas?

Ex: The Heroes have gone through Area 1, cleared out the monsters, and moved on to Area 2. Can the Overlord now spawn monsters in Area 1 (since the heroes are deep in Area 2, no line of sight into the previous area)?




yes the overlord can, it is a good tactic but also has its disadvantages. on the plus side heroes can be surrounded and seperated easier allowing a few easy conquest tokens being deducted. but on the down side if you place them to far back by the time they get to the heroes the heroes might have fought through the area and the monsters can be dispatched of easly, which results in a loss of potentialy usful threat. in extreme cases, which happened to me is the heroes beet the boss before my spawned monster reach them.

a good tactic to use is to spawn them as soon as the heroes enter the next room, but make sure it is a room full of monsters or else they won't be able to stall the heroes enough. another one is to make sure monsters can be spawned in the front so the heroes can be continually surrounded.

Hope this helped out at least a bit. =)

You sure can. Dropping a skeleton patrol back there is a great way to harass the party. It can also earn you a significant amount of CTs by taunting the heroes to backtrack, at least until they figure out what a horrendous mistake it is to move backwards.