Greetings all, my friend n I are long-time players of RB 2nd ed! This last weekend we bought n played the 3rd ed (YaY) and here is our 2 sides of the penny...
1. Dice} What's up with the stickers! That was a big surprise from FFG; In the long run, it might wear out sooner or later... Bad idea IMO
2. Combat tokens} Unique system for a style of game in the Runebound universe. They are quality tokens but Im wandering how it will last(Or not last) because they are oftenly being tossed in 1 gameplay. Probably a good idea would be to create a reasonable tray to use it for tossing the discs in! (with a poker-like mat in the tray)
3. Scenarios} Now that's interesting because everyone knows what objective they have to confront at end of game AND there is a time track. So its still a 'racing' game where you buildup your character faster than the others so you can be tackling the final boss before anyone else does. The main difference is the fact that everyone can die since the time track can end the scenario which unlike the 2nd ed is more 'a race to the top' without the sport of a time track.
4. Characters} Well, needless to say they start with basic setup and you advance your character in numerous ways possible; the Assets and Skill cards are plentifull so you can always have a different 'feel' of your character in a different game. Lotsa variety included.
5. Adventure cards/gems} Here is where we think alot of changes have been made. The different types of challenges is a fantastic idea; 3 types, you choose which way to go with your character. Although, it lacked a bit of combat in that area. You'll be spending more time intereacting with the board in some way(Like exploring) rather than fighting, which was the heart of 2nd ed IMO. Thats a disappointing notion, but when a combat DOES occur, I gotta say that my friend n I had a blast tossing the tokens and seeing how it was resolved. I really really wish there would be more fights in a gamerun.
I can go on for lots more... there are 2 issues that me n my friend wanted to mention!
1- More enemies to fight. A suggestion for future expansions would be- the 'Exploration' cards(Green) have them go somewhere where they have to fight a beast of some kind; like a lair hunt. At least we get more fighting because at the moment, it just feels like ALOT of 'explore and roll the move dice' is involed in that deck and thats it... pick the reward; no fights! Bah
2- one of the characters seem OverPowered... dont remember his name but its the one with the ability 'mind meld' where U pay two surges and damage gets reflected (Something like that). Its insanely strong; too strong IMO. We are thinking of creating a houserule for that one; most probable idea is the 'mind meld' will work on only 1 token. Uncertain though, still working ideas.
Nways, lemme know if you have ideas or opinions on those points! Thx