Watched Gowtah and Onca have fun with Rieekan and Fire Lanes just a few minutes ago, and found an interesting rule conundrum.
When a ship in a Rieekan fleet is destroyed at the End of the Status Phase, that is effectively the End of the Round as well. As such, both the Fire Lanes "End of Round" scoring takes effect, and the "End of Status Phase" destruction of a ship. Going to tiebreakers, if the First Player is Rieekan, his ship is destroyed, then the 2nd player's objective takes effect, but if the Second Player is Rieekan, he can chose which order the effects fire off in, letting his ship contribute to Fire Lanes scoring effect.
I've sent a letter to FFG for clarification on this, and they both agreed to a roll off to see how Rieekan would actually work.
Specific Rules affected by this ruling:
Effects and Timing
• If two or more of a player’s effects have the same timing, that player can resolve those effects in any order.
• If both players have effects with the same timing, the first player resolves all of his effects with that timing first.
A single game round consists of four phases resolved in the following order: Command Phase, Ship Phase, Squadron Phase, and Status Phase.
Round tokens are used to track the current round of the game; the round number is equal to the highest number on the round tokens placed next to the play area. The round token marked “1” is placed next to the play area during setup, and the next highest round token is placed during each Status Phase.
Status Phase
During this phase, the players ready all of their exhausted defense tokens by flipping them to their readied side. They also ready all of their exhausted upgrade cards by rotating them 90° counterclockwise. Then, the first player flips the initiative token to its other side.
• At the end of this phase, the first player places the round token with the next highest number to the side of the play area to indicate the number of the next round.