
By Dameionthayde, in Rogue Trader

Hey just wondering on when the errata will be coming out for rogue trader. Some of the things my freinds and I have noticed is that the starting skills and talents are aviable to be bought at first level which is at least kind of strange. Secondly is the peniteration of the hellweapons and the diffrences between plasma weapons from the Rogue trader book and the Dark Heresy book.

Plasma weapons are a revision of those in Dark Heresy.
Hellweapons are an update from the new Codex: Imperial Guard

The Dark Heresy errata specifically made sure that the starting skills and talents for all classes were available for purchase at the first rank. So don't expect that to change.

Ok I understand that the Hellweapons where updated in the Codex but that doesn't seem to make sence that they would be just as powerful as a plasma gun or rather have the same penitration.

Yeah, more Errate:

Seneschal can buy Sound Constitution twice at rank 1, this should be removed and moved to rank 2, like all the other careers

Being able to buy your starting talents at 1st level is by intent. (This was added in DH's eratta 2.0 as well.) At some point they will put out a book with alternate starting skils, and talents for the various careers. If you can't buy the initial skills, and talents of your career you could end not being able to ever fufil the requirement of later skills and talents. For example if you don't have tech use you can get tech use +10.... Remember that you can't take a skill and/or talent again. To raise your tech use you need to learn tech use +10 not tech use again.

Hellguns are working exactly the way the designers wanted them to. Part of it is to match the current rules for the 40k wargame (which was to give IG players at least one basic troop to counter Space Marines and the like), and to make las weapons have advantages over SP weapons. In DH everyone was using SP weapons as las and boltguns sucked. (Also if you look at the extra ammo types for normal las-weapons they get some love too.) Plasma weapons are workig exactly how the designers. A hellgun is a tight focused beam, while a plasma blast is not very focused. If you over charge the weapon it's much nastier than a hellgun. Personally I'd prefer the boltgun to either unless I'm facing heavily armored foes....

The differences between DH and RT are explained by the weapons being different models of weapons (patterns). Also remember that the orginal DH book was done by Black Industries. This is why you saw a lot of changes with the DH 2.0 eratta. The current rules are the result of the FFG designers having tweaked the DH rules for years, and aren't likely to change much.

There were two void-master talents (True Grit, Paranoia) that were repeated in various ranks. See the thread I posted in the Rules section for the official ranks they are available.

Dalnor Surloc thank you for going into such depth in your reply. I am still a little confused thought, if you start with pistol training universal why would you buy it again? If you get it at first level why should you want to buy it again?

Talents and skills that you start with are there because some GMs allow players to take ranks from other classes as elite advances/packages, for career switching/multiclassing/continuing past Rank 8.

Dameionthayde said:

Dalnor Surloc thank you for going into such depth in your reply. I am still a little confused thought, if you start with pistol training universal why would you buy it again? If you get it at first level why should you want to buy it again?

You can't buy pistol training universal again. It's listed so you can get if you didn't get it to start with. In future it may be possible to start out as an alternate starting career path say a Feral Archmilitant or something that has pistol training archaic instead of pistol training universal.....

What are the correct weights for the Melta weapons in RT?

Can multi-meltas really fire semi-auto 3?