The Card Text:
Leave no Trace
Response: After a non-unique location is explored, add Leave No Trace to the victory display to add that location to the victory display.
Scroll of Isildur
Action: Discard Scroll of Isildur to play any [Lore] event card in your discard pile as if it were in your hand. Then, place that event on the bottom of your deck.
The Situation:
I'm playing a mono-Lore deck. I have a copy of Leave no Trace in my discard pile, having been discarded through a card effect earlier. I also have Scroll of Isildur attached to a hero. A non-unique location leaves play as an explored location, and I discard the attached Scroll of Isildur and pay 1 [Lore] resource to play Leave no Trace as if it were in my hand. As per the text of Leave no Trace, the location and the event card both enter the victory display.
The Question:
Do I now place Leave no Trace at the bottom of my deck, as per the text on Scroll of Isildur?
The Argument:
Yes, because while cards in the victory display are "out of play", they are not "removed from play," as per FAQ §1.29 "Victory display."
Cards in the victory display are considered to be out of play, but are not considered to be a part of the encounter discard pile. Cards in the victory display are not considered “removed from game,” and some card effects may still interact with them.
Furthermore, the section on page 12 of the FAQ about Caradhras (DD 15) sets a precedent for Leave no Trace returning to my deck.
You will remove Caradhras from your victory display and put it back into play as the active location. Cards in the victory display are not removed from the game and can still be referenced by effects.
Am I missing something, or just crazy?
Edited by caelenvasius