So, I certainly might've just missed it, or it might not be necessary, but if you were to find a relic in your adventures, would there be a good component to represent it? Would you just have a Temple Shrine, and maybe increase its bonus by +1, while the relic is interred there? I know that some vessels have carried "sacred relics", and even the Space Marines in Ultramarines has a shrine bearing a rather special thunder hammer (daemon hammer, possibly). Other than the mechanical benefits of actually having one player wield it in battle, I'm not sure what you'd do, and if it were a non-weapon, like an optional book in Lure, even more so. It might be cool to have the ship, and the people who live there, feel honored, and receive a mechanical benefit (I'm greedy that way), from housing a true relic aboard their ship. Thoughts?
As a second, would the Ecclesiarchy try to take the relic, or would they accept you as caretaker, if pious? They might want to have pilgrims be able to come see it, but you might get more use out of it, and few people can afford more security than a Rogue Trader. Out in the Expanse, their presence might be weaker, but your crew might be pious, and think their master a heretic, so...just wondering what some thoughts here might be? I have this cool idea, in my story, of having the crew find a rather impressive spear somewhere, and having it be sort of a "Longinus-lite" daemon-killer; something maybe a Canoness, or Inquisitor, once carried into battle, before falling to mortality. I was looking at a site where some people are making variants of 40K minis, since GW can't entirely enforce their will on things, after court, and one had Canoness-analogue with a cool spear. Since it isn't an official 40K piece, with an official 40K relic, I thought I might borrow one, and have the Spear (more work necessary, beyond silly, mechanical benefits to one person using it) be housed aboard the Exalted Wyrm , for the benefit of the crew (the Priest in question prefers bolter/chainsword to spear), but I was unsure whether the Ecclesiarchy would try to muscle in on it, or what? In Warpstorm, you are given a priceless relic, but you NEED it, for the most part, and it makes the players feel important, while only one Priest is involved in giving it to you, and he doesn't ask permission. In your trips through the void, how have relics fared on your ship? Were they put up for reverent display, or locked in a vault, and did you use them, or keep them? In an existing component, or fabricated a whole new one, for a separate bonus? Just some thoughts I'd like from the community, thanks. As for me, right now, I am thinking that I would just place it on an altar, in the Temple Shrine, and up that component's bonus by +1, so long as the relic is there. If Corianna takes it into battle, unlikely for her, though that might be, that bonus would be lost, until she returned it, and the people knew it was still safe (and had kept their masters safe, praise be the Emperor). I'll see what anyone says, of course.