
By mordak5, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

The Hero's had an encounter last night were they look 1 look and my silver razorwings and ran away. There doesn't seem to be any downside to them doing that, seems a bit wrong. If they run away from a dungeon they are locked out, but if they don't feel like an encounter the OL gets nothing. Should get some CT for them hightailing out surely.

If the OL creatures run away the Heros get a reward after all.

mordak5 said:

The Hero's had an encounter last night were they look 1 look and my silver razorwings and ran away. There doesn't seem to be any downside to them doing that, seems a bit wrong. If they run away from a dungeon they are locked out, but if they don't feel like an encounter the OL gets nothing. Should get some CT for them hightailing out surely.

If the OL creatures run away the Heros get a reward after all.

Yeah, but they also get no reward for fleeing and miss out on some CT and loot.

Thematically I agree, the OL should gain a CT or 2 if the heroes run away. Mechanically I don't think it's necessary. In general the focus of the game is on dungeons, AFAIC. Encounters are more of a nuisance to me as OL anyway, so if the heroes want to run away I'm cool with that.

The heros start encounters on a deadend tile, with the exit(s) usually fairly far away. Since the Overlord can put his monsters anywhere he wants except on the starting tile, he should be able to put them somewhere that the heros can't flee through easily. Even if they only do a few points of damage to one hero, it'll pu tthem that much closer to dead, and more CTs for the OL later.

I suppose I could have grouped creatures to try and stop them running away, but then you are grouping creatures to make it easier to blast or firebreath them (heros have both these weapons available to them) its a real pain having to set up a map, just to take it back down again cos they decided to flee. I recon that the OL should get a CT or two.

Never found the encounters so far to be very good for the OL, its a lot of hassle setting up and taking down and adds very little to the game play.