Yesterday, my opponent played Force Choke, a zero cost event card, to kill some weenies I had played for 1 edge-enabled blast damage. When he played Force Choke, all of his resource generating cards were exhausted (had a focus token on them). I said that because he didn't have any resource generating cards ready, he couldn't play the zero cost card even though it was zero cost. He still needed to have at least one resource generating card ready. He disagreed, and said he could play the zero cost card even if all resource generating cards were exhausted (because it was zero cost).
I know zero cost cards are not subject to the resource matching rules, but are they still subject to the "must have a ready objective/resource card" rule? Which of us is right?
Zero Cost Cards and Fully Exhausted Objective/Resource Cards
You have it backwards. 0 cost cards of a specific faction require that matching resource. 0 cost cards do not require you to pay, I.e. Focus anything to play them. As long as you can make a resource icon match, i.e. sith to sith you can play the card.
Zero cost cards are not subject to affiliation match. See page 16 of the rulebook.