in one part of the directions it states that power cards are treated like location cards, but in another part it states that they stay on the track until they slide off the sixth space, does that mean if you had to clear a hideout with a power card on it that you would get the power card back? Or would the power card stay on the track by itself until it slid off the sixth space?
If a Power card is on a cleared hideout, do you get it back?
Same question. We've been playing that if a hideout with a power card clears, the power card is returned to Dracula. However, I think that it would be more balanced if power cards were never cleared, and they had to naturally slide off the sixth space in order to be returned to Dracula.
The most over-powered example of this is I've seen is if Dracula uses Wolf Form to move to a location adjacent to a hunter, then the hunter moves to Dracula's location, then Dracula uses Escape as Bat, we've been playing that when you clear Dracula's current location that he gets Wolf Form back into his hand. This allows him to use Wolf Form two turns in a row, in addition to Bat Form (6 movement in two turns). Seems like this is very unbalanced, but I can't find anything in the rules to disallow it.
The official ruling is in (FAQ 12/4/15):
Q: What happens to a power card when it falls off the trail or if the hideout is cleared?
It is returned to the location deck with the other power cards.
As far as Wolf Form, hunter moves to attack during day, combat/Escape as Bat (clearing location containing Wolf Form), move again using Wolf Form. That seems to work. However, Escape as Bat will remain on the trail, so more difficult to pull off a second time.