The rules on Teleportariums in the RT rulebook span a whopping 2 paragraphs. Thus, I felt since they're given 3/4th of a page in the original RT, I should let you guys know how they originally functioned for that "authentic 40k feel". I have, of course, interpreted the rules into "modern" RT. If you have the original RT, they're on pages 125 and 128.
1. Line of Sight only. That is, you can't pick up an object from Hive A and drop it in Hive B. You have to beam it aboard, then beam it a second time.
2. Teleportarium beams can only penetrate 5 meters of solid material. Atmosphere counts, so the curvature of the planet and/or atmospheric effects could limit the Teleportarium's range. Planet to planet teleportation is not possible due to this.
3. 6 man-sized objects can be teleported at once from a single Teleportarium chamber. However, I'm not sure how many chambers are in an RT Teleportarium. I'm going with 10 per chamber, as this is a full squad and is just easier...
4. There is a base 15% chance that the object(s) transported will arrive on target. Yep, that's right! Roll d100. 16+ and the payload lands d6" in a random direction! For RT, pick the target location and automatically deviate 2d10 meters in a random direction. Make a Tech-Use Roll (you may want to limit this to characters with the appropriate background, Void Born or Tech Priests for example) and for each Level of Success the payload lands 3 meters closer to the target location.
5. To teleport BACK, the Teleportarium operator must lock on to a homing signal. Acceptable signals include the Teleporter Beacon (naturally), a Vox signal powerful enough to reach a ship in orbit, or a "Communicator". Please note that while WH40k:RT had 'Star Trek' style Communicators, they disappeared somewhere around the Book of the Astronomicon and technically don't exist anymore (Archeotech!).
The signal must be stationary for at least one turn or more until the Teleportarium operator successfully "locks-on" by making a Tech-Use roll with 3 levels of success. As long as the signal is stationary, the LoS's carry over to the next turn until 3 are achieved. All movable items within 3 meters of the signal are then teleported. Two or more levels of Failure, however, indicate a problem.....
1. Atomized! (Fate Point time!) That's the smell of pure awesome!
2. Protoplamic Goo! (Fate Point time!) Diarrhea, cha, cha, cha!
3. Everything comes back...wrong! Twisted limbs attached in the wrong places...sickening malformations! All attributes permanently reduced to 5.
4. Damaged random limb! Bust out the bone saw, it's amputation time.
5. Twisted flesh and horrific scarring! Reduce Fellowship by d10 Permanently.
6. If it's just one person, they're now a bag of heaving flesh. Unfortunately only their WS, BS and AGI are reduced to 0. Everything else stays the same and they are alive...unless someone mistakes them for a Minion of Nurgle, that is. If multiple people/critters are teleported, they're now one huge protoplasmic entity with the highest stats from each and at least one functioning limb from each person/creature. Players have a roll-off to see who gets to have the "new" creature for their Character....
6. Harmful weapons and/or creatures are trapped in a Power Field where automatic lasers/whatever can dispose of them. Grenades or other explosives will not harm the teleporter, but will affect all people who were teleported with it inside the Power Field. The exception is Vortex Grenades, which will put the hurt on your Teleportarium...and decks 7-19... permanently...
7. A Teleportarium has a maximum range of 100 Kilometers.
8. A Teleport Homer will allow the Teleportarium operator to lock onto it with only one LoS and the carrier of the Homer can select whether just he/she teleports or the normal "everything within 3 meters". I'm not sure how big a Teleport Homer is, but it's big enough that not everyone would feasibly carry one and I read somewhere it needs to be set up on a stand, like the Star Trek ones.
9. In 1987, the Teleportarium was the "standard" method of transporting troops to the ground or cargo from ship to ship. Of course, in 2009 it is invaluable Archeotech!
10. A Teleporter (Teleportarium, if you will) is rated "Technical Level (console use) 8" and the Teleport Homer is "Technical Level 7" if that means anything to you. Perhaps I'll research it sometime and post some more realistic methods for Tech-Use rolls.