Sentry Box Fortnightly League

By Drasnighta, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Starting December 6, every 2 Weeks, until March 13 (8 Gaming Days)

Sentry Box ( )

$5 Entry Fee.

2 Points Win

1 Point Lost

1 Point for Pimping your Game, Win or Lose, out on Facebook/Forums/Blog and link to Calgary Armada Gamers

Prizes at Week 4 and Week 8.

Prizes Include Most Wins, Most Losses, and Random Points Draws.

All Entry Fees go to further Prizing! (Yes! Prizes already guaranteed!)

For further information, PM me (Drasnighta)

or hit the Calgary Armada Gamers facebook page ( )

The new League starts again This Sunday .

I'll be there at the Sentry Box's opening at 11.

The Fortnightly League is on for its FOURTH WEEK this weekend, the 17th!

What does this mean?


Going out at this point is a Gladiator-II Card from the Tournament Kit, 2 Dice Bags from the Tournament Kit, and... an OnTarget Laser Line *AND STAND* from Gamesmith - -

These are currently only available in Canada, and in fact, in only 3 Stores!