My hilarious Siegfried deck

By VikramS, in UFS Deck Building

Yes, I'm on the Siegfried bandwagon! This guy is too much FUN not to mess around with. Also, while everyone is debating whether he is better off Earth or Life, I say SCREW THAT and play him off Good, yes Good. I doubt this deck will ever be more than merely a comedy jank deck but it's still pretty **** effective and seriously funny when your opponent realizes he lost to Good Siggy.

Starting Character - 1x 6/6 Siegfried, Earth/Life/Good

Assets (4):

4x 2/5 Gianfre-whatever whatever blah blah blah (Hilde's Asset, aka the Hymen Bustah!) +2M

Attacks (18):

4x 3/3 Leaping Snap Kick +1M, 3H3

4x 4/3 Konvict Kick +1H, 4M3

4x 4/2 Dragon Lifter +4M, 3H4 (but really 6H8)

3x 4/3 Hilt Impact +1M, 3H3 Stun:2

3x 4/3 Cobra Twist +2H, 3M3 Throw

Foundations (38):

4x 3/5 From The Horse, Endurance

4x 2/5 Memories From A Nightmare

3x 2/5 Regretful Existence +3M

3x 2/5 Enemies Now Friends +3H

4x 2/5 From The Mouse, Humility +3L

4x 1/5 From The Hawk, Alertness +3M

4x 1/5 Torn Hero

4x 1/4 Cursed Blood +3L

4x 0/5 The Man Behind The Mask +3M

4x 0/5 Hope For One's People +3H

Total: 60+1 cards, no sideboard as yet.

So far the only changes I have made to the deck from the initial build is cutting The Entertainer, because I'm secretly thinking that it kinda sucks. At least, I have not used it yet so I dropped it. I never need it anyway.

The deck is really, really straightforward - use Siggy's pump, play kicks, play Lifter, win. If not, block as much as you can (the blocks, especially in the attacks, are fantastic) and do it again next turn with From The Mouse recursion. And again and again. 8 kicks trigger Lifter, and 4 of those also give bonus to the throws.

The deck is CHEAP. Seriously, really cheap. No attack has even a 5-diff, and I have 20 foundations (!) that cost 1 or less to check. It is easy as hell to spam out 5 foundations first turn and start swinging hard as hell second turn. 4 copies apiece of HYMEN BUSTAH and From The Horse push things through, plus the 7 stun attacks. Lifter also frequently push itself through. The deck has some surprising tricks, like using Enemies Now Friends on a first attack, still making it for about 5 with Siggy's F and E, baiting a block and then hitting for a riddick amount with a speed pumped high damage pumped attack. There is some random defense and disruption, like Cursed Blood, Torn Hero, and Siggy's own support, and some cool 0-diffs that sometimes do great stuff. And that's pretty much it. Oh, and randomly reversaling with Snap Kick and ending your opponent's turn or hitting them for 6 or so on their turn is even more humorous.

This is an example of what I so when I'm bored, folks, and am sick of playing with turned tournament decks. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

May I suggest Rolling Sobat? Ok, this really may not help your theme of 4 or less difficulty attacks, and it has a 2 check, but the 2 check is fully warranted, but it's a really good attack in Siegfried. Stun, difficulty reduction, a good block, 2 keywords so White Crane likes it. It's got everything!

Well I don't want 8 2CCs, unless you mean instead of Lifter - that's a swap I don't like much either though to be honest. Do you think it's better than Lifter?

VikramS said:

Well I don't want 8 2CCs, unless you mean instead of Lifter - that's a swap I don't like much either though to be honest. Do you think it's better than Lifter?

It's not.

But it is funny.

Church said:

May I suggest Rolling Sobat? Ok, this really may not help your theme of 4 or less difficulty attacks, and it has a 2 check, but the 2 check is fully warranted, but it's a really good attack in Siegfried. Stun, difficulty reduction, a good block, 2 keywords so White Crane likes it. It's got everything!

If he were running Siegfried's Earth Divide, Rolling Sobat would be OMFGBROKEN!

Wow Vik you and my brother must have some sort of psychic link. Ef had good siegfried (yup siegfried off of good) built last week. I was telling him to post it on the forums we look and we see this lol. Im still going to have him post it cuz it has slight differences in its attack lineup and ways of utilizing the entertainer. Apparently the line drawer for Ef changing it from earth to good was Hyman Buster. Good stuff though.

VikramS said:

The deck is CHEAP. Seriously, really cheap. No attack has even a 5-diff, and I have 20 foundations (!) that cost 1 or less to check.

You know what this reminds me of, just a little bit? Pre-rotation Akuma decks that ran a bajillion 2ccs >D

If there's a deck that can afford to run 8 cards with 2s in the bottom left, it's a Good deck with Cursed Blood and 8 0drops, or maybe Jin. And having Rolling Sobat makes it good too~

InsanoFlex said:

Wow Vik you and my brother must have some sort of psychic link. Ef had good siegfried (yup siegfried off of good) built last week. I was telling him to post it on the forums we look and we see this lol. Im still going to have him post it cuz it has slight differences in its attack lineup and ways of utilizing the entertainer. Apparently the line drawer for Ef changing it from earth to good was Hyman Buster. Good stuff though.

Siggy with reversals is funny.

Ben had the deck built Vik. Raped dave with like 9 damage SNAP KICK into liftah! Mad gay.

The deck is really cool but i cant say how good it is. Smashed the hell out of it with kisheri and king. But lolsnapkick is rad.

VikramS said:

4x 2/5 Gianfre-whatever whatever blah blah blah (Hilde's Asset, aka the Hymen Bustah!) +2M


Shaneth said:

VikramS said:

4x 2/5 Gianfre-whatever whatever blah blah blah (Hilde's Asset, aka the Hymen Bustah!) +2M

*falls off throne*


I think this card wins the title for most nicknames givin to a single UFS card

ShippuJinrai said:

Ben had the deck built Vik. Raped dave with like 9 damage SNAP KICK into liftah! Mad gay.

The deck is really cool but i cant say how good it is. Smashed the hell out of it with kisheri and king. But lolsnapkick is rad.

By the way, Kisheri makes me nut myself, she's friggin insane and Dave's build looks stupid gross. I have Jin built right now and it's murdering everything but I'm still messing with decks so we'll see.

Keshiri is my next project once we get copies of her