About to buy the game so how do i get the newest version?

By Chav, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hello there.

So today i had the great pleasure of trying Twilight imperium for the first time, and wow, what a game. So now i am going to buy it, but, looking around at the great internet i can see there are different versions of the game, some race sheets have different abilities,

I guess this is due to FAQ and it all is there, but truth is, spending more then 150 bucks, means I want to make sure I get the newest version of 3 rd edition, so I don’t need all that FAQ. How do I make sure I get the newest version with the most up to date cards?

Thanks for your time.

If I remember correctly, it's been awhile, the updated sheets are provided in one of the expansions.

I think you are talking about the misprinted unit costs from the original printing. I have been told by multiple people that those were fixed a long time ago. Any copy you purchase now should have all the corrected stuff.

It is also possible that you are talking about the Imperial Strategy Card. That wasn't an error or misprint or anything, just some people not liking the Imperial Strategy Card that comes in the main box. That has never been altered, but FFG includes an alternative Imperial Strategy Card (Imperial 2) in the first expansion and players can use whichever they prefer.

Basically, I am not aware of any issues you need to be worried about unless the store you are buying from hasn't sold a copy of the game in 15 years.

Thanks for the clarification, i will just get out and buy it then.

We were playing with a strategy III which was on paper and reading on the internet i could see a few races in some versions were missiong a special rule. But it seems then it was some old version.


FYI: You will still need all that FAQ.

Even with the most up-to-date version with all existing corrections made, there are A LOT of rules in this game, and A LOT of questions as a result, which the FAQ clarifies for you.

In fact, the vast majority of the FAQ has to do with clarifying rules, not correcting misprinted errors.