Tomorrow my monthly RPG group is going to do a character creation session to start off our first time playing Dark Heresy. I've played first edition before, and will be GMing this group. I have plenty of premade adventures from 1st, and was looking for guidance in running Purge the Unclean for my group. Upon a quick skim, things look like I shouldn't really have to do anything to make it work, but I'm looking for advice from experienced 2nd edition GMs.
How Well Do 1st Edition Adventures Translate?
I've run a few of them. I started with the first act of Black Sepulcher and then I did about 75% of Haarlocks :House of Dust and Ash. Converted both over from first edition to second edition. I was also always pulling stuff out of Dark Heresy first edition books for my year long Dark Pursuits/Forgotten Gods game.
Overall, there are some minor mechanical changes you might need to make if you really want to have your book NPC's do everything the party does like search isn't a thing anymore, but in general not much has changed. I think the power level rose a bit between editions. I pretty much use everything as written for first edition in second edition.
I always used the Dark Heresy second rulebook as kind of a touchstone. If equivalent goons had awareness in second edition, then I gave it to the first edition guys. The main conversion I remember making was just giving a lot of soldiers and thugs awareness and converting concealment into stealth. It doesn't come up often though. It's more like **** ... I guess that guy can't see anything.
Edited by fog1234
The answer is: really easy. Some more than others. Like Fog said, use the 2nd Ed rulebook for NPC guidance. They're the only real changes you have to make.
I would HIGHLY suggest running Illumination from the DH1 book! I ran it for my players - many whom were first time roleplayers and a few who were new to 40k as a whole. Needless to say, they loved it - it kicked off a year-long Dark Pursuits/Forgotten Gods campaign. It was really easy to convert over.
Edge of Darkness is also a really really good starting point. I would say that either of those two are a much better place for your players to begin. Furthremore, Rejoice for Thou Are True from Purge the Unclean is follow up to Illumination.
For those who've run Haarlock's Legacy in DH2:
1. Did you adapt the adventures to Askellon and/or incorporate any of the DH2 fluff, or stick to the Calixis Sector with DH2 mechanics?
2. If running in Askellon, how did the translation to the new sector work out? Any tips?
3. Is Haarlock's Legacy worth picking up, all things considered?
I'm interested in the trilogy, but started with DH2 and have no immediate plans to move the campaign out of Askellon. Any feedback would be appreciated - thanks!
3. I have played through Haarlock's Legacy as a player and it is amazingly good.
For Calixis versus Askellon, one aspect is how the Inquisition is depicted. Calixis has it as a massive institution with conclaves and groups and regimented, while in Askellon is far more free form and less based on structure, etc.
I also prefer Calixis as there is simply more information available to use for planets, groups, people, etc.
~ alemander
Edited by alemander
Appreciate the feedback. Since there's nothing new on the DH2 horizon, I'm interested in looking through some of the First Ed. material. Although in truth, my group does far less playing than I'd like, and I've got loads of material that's still untapped...I still like to be prepared.
Even if I don't get around to running it for a looooong time, the Haarlock stuff definitely looks cool. Think I'll check it out - thanks again!
1. Did you adapt the adventures to Askellon and/or incorporate any of the DH2 fluff, or stick to the Calixis Sector with DH2 mechanics?
If you are set on running DH1 adventures, I would definitely recommend sticking with the Calixys Sector setting. The amount of work necessary to convert absolutely everything to Askellon would eliminate any time savings from using published adventures in the first place...
If you are set on running DH1 adventures, I would definitely recommend sticking with the Calixys Sector setting. The amount of work necessary to convert absolutely everything to Askellon would eliminate any time savings from using published adventures in the first place...
Yeah, that was my concern. Although, at this point it would be more to enjoy tbe material, than for any real time-savings...
Thanks for the feedback!
On this note - I've taken "creatures" straight out of COC (since its percentile based game) tweaked them slightly then dropped them into 40k
I've done this twice in all my years of GMing 40k (now going on 3 years)
Color Out of Space