Rackham: Confrontation Minatures (Posted Here for lack of a better Forum .. HINT .. HINT)

By Wu Ming, in Support

There is no 'General Forum' as there was on the old site (something Mr. Spangler already pointed out in another thread )

Yes, FFG is not the publisher of Rackham's Confrontaion, but appears to be the US distributor <?> I've found little to no onsite information regarding some aspects of the products and had some questions regarding them as I may be taking advantege of the 'Holiday Sale'. To any FFG staffers, Rackham minature owners or other players of Confrontation who may be able to help I want to know the following.

I am interested possibly in picking up a Unit Box of Fusiliers and Demon Hunters . What I do know from the information provided. There are 8 and 6 minatures per respective blister, they are prepainted and assembled. However I have a few questions, one are there unique minatures per blister, with variation or are there 6/8 of the exact same sculpt, are these minis metal or plastic, and if the former has anyone had any luck stripping and repainting? I ask becasue the unit of Grifin Spearmen from the same line seem to look like they have various poses in the blister containing 10 models:


While the Fusiliers & Demon Hunters only display the following:

COG07.jpg AND COG10.jpg

Thanks to anyone who can help me on this, and if any FFG sales/marketting people are here an answer before the 9th of December will likely result in an increase of Holiday Sales. gran_risa.gif

I believe that FFG announced that their partnership with Rackham was closed, and while they would continue to sell the products they had, they wouldn't be getting anymore, or something like that. So you won't find much information on the FFG site.

Yeah, I'm just trying to find out about the merch. they currenty have in stock. I've also looked on the Rackham site for details but the Catalogue here and the english European Rackham site seem to be using the same template an dhave the same images and text -- except the Rackham site has flavour text regarding the minitatures and a small bit about their tactical use in terms of the game. Maybe I'll try to find a Confrontation forum or check somewhere like Warseer. Thanks anyway.

Hi I'm new here and I just got as my Christmas present Confrontation minis all from FFG. I am surprised that there is no forum or even in the game library for Confrontation. Its a game I've been wanting for a long time and when the sale came up . . .well I got all the Wolfen and Scorpion minis, their army books, box set and rule book. I live down in Rochester, MN where there are a lot of gamers but haven't found anyone to play Confrontation with. With two armies in my procession I have enough for two players but the books don't answer all questions and I was wondering if anyone can help me.

I got army building and my husband set up army building program on my computer. I understand measuring. Now how do you use the cards and dice for combats? The books are not entirely clear on that and I haven't been able to get someone to help me out due to being busy. I have a friend coming over tomorrow and I would like a little info to be able to teach her so we can at least play.