King Kazador Vs Judgement of Verena/Troll Vomit

By Tallgeese, in Warhammer Invasion Rules Questions

Not 100% certain on this, but we'll see what you guys think........ happy.gif

Ok, I have King Kazador in play along with a couple of other units, my opponent attempts to play Troll Vomit. Kazador states:

Opponents cannot target this unit with card effects unless they pay an additional 3 resources per effect.

If my oppenent cannot pay the additional three I am guessing Kazador survives, but his friends bite the big then? Or does my opponent have to pay the extra three just to be able to play the card in the first place. The question is the same for Judgement assuming I don't have developments in Kazador's zone.

Neither, the King dies without the opponent having to pay extra. Tactics that have universal effects are not precluded by text such as the Kings. His effect only protects hims from effects that state "target unit" in singular form.

But Kazador's effect is already in place as it is a static ability that doesn't need to be triggered. All units are the target of the spell, therefore he is being targeted and the additional cost should be paid?


its the same with shrine of nurgle... doesnt specifically use the word target, so all are affected... at least until a FAQ comes out.

An effect can affect a card without targeting it. All the resets fall into this category. A card only targets a card if it uses the phrase "target" in its text.

I understand why it seems strange, but the cards and rules should be taken pretty literally when trying to figure out how they work. When they are not intended to be taken literally FFG will say so in a rules clarification by way of the FAQ (which has not yet been released but is in the works).

If there's not esplicit rulings, ther's game wisdom and dormouse owns it ;-)

That's simple: a "targetting" effect implies a choice. Global effects don't. YOU HAVE to kill ALL units. You're not targeting every single unit and kill it.

In a Targeting effect, you have to CHOOSE one or more units and kill them (or do something nasty to them ;-)).