Matching Heroes to Classes Correctly

By random.brown, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm new to Descent, starting with the 2nd edition, and I'm confused about matching the class decks to the heroes.

It seems clear enough based on the hero descriptions which hero matches up to the class--obviously the Berserker class goes with Grisban the Thirsty, and Widow Tarhha is the Necromancer, etc.

But where is this spelled out?

Also, as a new player, I've read the "buy these first" guides, but which supplements include the best hero/class combinations?


It doesn't work that way. Every hero belongs to one of four archetypes, identified by colors and symbols: there's warrior (red), mage (yellow), scout (green) and healer (blue). Any hero can use any class belonging to their archetype. So, Grisban the Thirsty might be a berserker, knight, champion or beastmaster.

Edited by srcabeza

But...but..but...that would make no sense based on the way the minis are equipped!

I guess I still have too many hang-ups from other games where the mini must match the hero's equipment selection...

So I can give Tomble the bow that Jaine is clearly holding? That just really seems weird!

It's just aesthetics. I guess you come from Warhammer or any other miniature game in which the figure is supposed to actually wield the weapon that's using, but this is completely different. It's obvious by inspecting the heroes' abilities and looks that some of them belong more naturally to some classes than others, but as per the rules you can mix and match how you see fit as long as you remain into the coresponding archetype.

Anyway, it woud make no sense trying to match the equipment to the figure. This is not a wargame but an adventure game, the heroes will likely change their equipment a lot during the campaign.

Good suggestions, thank you!

To further complicate your life :P , any hero can equip any weapon. So even if I have a hero who is a warrior, and generally uses melee weapons, the hero still can equip a range weapon, a magic weapon, etc. This is true for all heroes.

The downside to doing this is that many class cards provide bonuses, extra damage, extra range, etc. if you equip a weapon type that is expected for that hero (in other words, you lose out on synergies).

Still, there are many times when I have received relics or Shop Item weapons that I give to a hero that would not normally equip that type of weapon simply because it would do far more damage than their starting class weapon. Note that the exception to equipping anything is that you are not allowed to give starting class items to other heroes.

Often, if possible, we try to give each hero a range and a melee weapon so that they have the flexibility during their turn to equip what makes the most amount of sense given the current situation ...

And check if some classcards aquire attribute-tests.

For exemple a marshal has to do some "knowledge" tests for some actions. Warriors with "knowledge" of 2 or less are bad marshals.
