Now, does this depend on the GM adjudicating Raises in a fair and sensible fashion? Yes. But that's true of the Raise mechanic, period, outside the few instances (manuevers, spells) where its use is very numerically delineated. If Raises get used at all in normal (non-technique) social rolls, we're going to have to deal with a degree of GM judgment. My solution there is just to try to be extra-clear about how I'm viewing this, and give lots of examples. I can attempt to be clearer on the Deceit Raises thing in the actual document.
Raises in general are an area where I think the published RPG really falls down by not providing a framework on what sort of task or difficulty would require what sort of TN or how many raises.
It does give guidelines for TNs. But yes, 4e did very little to talk about Raises in any context other than combat.