Interaction between Hayley Kaplan and Harbinger

By lubaroli, in Android: Netrunner Rules Questions


I was wondering what happens if Harbinger is trashed for the first time while playing Hayley Kaplan. I am assuming the ID ability is triggered, but can you then install a second (face-up) program or another program (any) facedown?

Thanks for clarifying



They don't interact I'm afraid. Nothing about Hayley's ability (or Harbinger's) would allow you to install another card face-down. Her ability triggers from Harbinger re-installing itself, however, Harbinger has no t​ ype when installed facedown. Effectively this wastes Hayley's ability because it still counts as your first install of the turn, but you can't install "another card of the same type" when the card HAS no type.

You can somewhat get around this if you trigger a paid-ability install in 1.1, and then sell Harbinger to Aesop's in 1.2. (Which is nearly the only reason to put Harbinger in a Shaper deck.)

You can somewhat get around this if you trigger a paid-ability install in 1.1, and then sell Harbinger to Aesop's in 1.2. (Which is nearly the only reason to put Harbinger in a Shaper deck.)

Which to be fair isn't an awful reason - a 0-cost, 0MU card that will give back 6cr over 2 turns ain't bad for a little influence. Just probably better in say, Exile, than Hayley - but then it's competing for the spot with Cache, which without an install discount nets 1 less credit but is a little burstier.

I ran it at Worlds for econ, both it and Cache, on Scheherezade, while cycling Chameleons in and out of play. It's a free drop as a second install when installing another program, yields a credit from Scheherezade, puts a credit on Technical adds up.