Just have a quick question in regards to Magical Lamp, though I am sure it has been answered, I could not find a copy of rulings for it. It states that when Genie would be discarded from your friend area, it is placed under the card. My questions are:
1. If it is discarded fromt he "Unique" rule, does it go under this card. It is being discarded from the friend area but I just want to make sure.
2. When you use the "You may" discard effect, do the Genies go around the "Unique" rule. The card does state to put them all in play, but the unique rule would technically discard all but one from being discarded. Do they all come into play?
3. If a Genie is already in play, would the Magical Lamp discard remove the current Genie in play? ie: Discard Magical Lamp with 1 Genie under it while 1 Genie is in my friend area.
Why I am asking is because I am planning on doing a deck using the Magical Lamp. Even though it requires Aladin, it seems like a quick good little attack rush to either take on your oppnent or for WR. Only if it gets past the unique rule because the card does not state that the Genies brought back in this way do not follow the unique rule.
Thanks everyone. Just want this cleared up to see if the deck can be constructed.