The boxes Description says that there are 25 leaders included in the game, but I have to wonder just who all is included. Now lets make the assumption that there the split is mostly even, so say 13 heroes one side 12 on the other, maybe favoring the Rebels slightly who all do we get?
1. Mon Mothma
2. Jan Dodonna
3. General Rieekan
4. Princess Leia
5. Luke Skywalker
6. Luke Skywalker Jedi
7. Han Solo
8. Wedge Antilles
9. Lando Calrissian
10. Chewbacca (Maybe? He might be relegated to being assumed to be with Han)
11. Admiral Ackbar
12. Garm Bel Igis (Guessing based off of Armada)
13. Bail Organa (I guess depends on when the game takes place)
14. Emperor Palpatine
15. Darth Vader
16. Grand Moff Tarkin
17. General Tagge
18. General Veers
19. Admiral Piet
20. Admiral Ozzel
21. Soontier Fel
22. Grand Admiral Thrawn (Simply Hoping)
23. Mara Jade (Simply Hoping)
24. Admiral Motti (Fits with Tagge and again Armada)
25. Moff Jerjerrod (Death Star 2, kinda makes sense)
As a side note from the "Seek Yoda" mission we also see there are some characters who may be represented by rings, my guesses being at least for now Yoda and Obi-wan.
Edited by Animewarsdude