The Leaders

By Animewarsdude, in Star Wars: Rebellion

The boxes Description says that there are 25 leaders included in the game, but I have to wonder just who all is included. Now lets make the assumption that there the split is mostly even, so say 13 heroes one side 12 on the other, maybe favoring the Rebels slightly who all do we get?


1. Mon Mothma

2. Jan Dodonna

3. General Rieekan

4. Princess Leia

5. Luke Skywalker

6. Luke Skywalker Jedi

7. Han Solo

8. Wedge Antilles

9. Lando Calrissian

10. Chewbacca (Maybe? He might be relegated to being assumed to be with Han)

11. Admiral Ackbar

12. Garm Bel Igis (Guessing based off of Armada)

13. Bail Organa (I guess depends on when the game takes place)


14. Emperor Palpatine

15. Darth Vader

16. Grand Moff Tarkin

17. General Tagge

18. General Veers

19. Admiral Piet

20. Admiral Ozzel

21. Soontier Fel

22. Grand Admiral Thrawn (Simply Hoping)

23. Mara Jade (Simply Hoping)

24. Admiral Motti (Fits with Tagge and again Armada)

25. Moff Jerjerrod (Death Star 2, kinda makes sense)

As a side note from the "Seek Yoda" mission we also see there are some characters who may be represented by rings, my guesses being at least for now Yoda and Obi-wan.

Edited by Animewarsdude

Surely General Madine for the Rebels, no?

Rebellion Confirmed:

Mon Mothma

Jan Dodanna

General Reikaan

Princess Liea

Luke Skywalker

Jedi Luke Skywalker (hence the odd number, likely the only one that can change)

Lando Calrissian

Han Solo

Wedge Antilles

Empire Confirmed:

Emperor Palpatine

Darth Vader

Grand Moff Tarkin

General Tagge (I consider this one an odd choice, especially for a starter)

General Veers

Soontir Fel

Boba Fett

Assuming even numbers (apart from Jedi luke), both teams should have 12. The rebels need 4 more, and the Empire needs 5 more.

My guesses:

Rebels (in order of likelihood):

Admiral Ackbar (any doubt?)

Chewbacca (although they could make him one of the upgrade disks for Han)

Crix Madine

Syub Snunb

Talon Karrde

Garm Bel Iblis







Possible Empire:






Bossk, IG88, Dengar, and a couple other bounty hunters could make the list also (probably not Greedo though).

The Empire honestly has a lot of great options.

Didn't notice Boba Fett in the description before, sorta wish that he was more of a card rather than leader (though he potentially still might be). I know he is rather iconic but it is a little odd seeing him lead others into battle. I kinda hope all the bounty hunters more or less just show up as cards to help sniff out Rebel leaders and bases with the potential for capturing them.

And we know Ozzel is confirmed from one of the cards in the description, where if he does it you draw two extra cards. I think Piett is a shoe in for sure as is Motti and most likely Jerjerrod. Thrawn and Mara may be doubtful but I really hope that we get them, besides Thrawn being perfect for a game of this scale.

It's certainly possible that Boba Fett is just a card. He, and other BHs could just be event cards played by the empire to evoke certain things. All the Empire characters could be ranking officers. Makes more sense for controlling units that way. For the PC game, it would really restrict your ability in the game though. Those officers weren't good at subterfuge style missions. So they had a smattering of bounty hunters, alien spies, etc that they could use.

For the board game though, I guess it could lend towards the entire 2 different play styles thing. Good at leading troops, but suck at other things. A few cards to evoke hiring bounty hunters and what not.

The bounty hunters or other Imperial lackeys could be represented by those rings that upgrade characters also.

I highly doubt Mara will make it. She wasn't in the PC game, she's legacy, and she hasn't had a lot of showing in the rest of FFGs material. Thrawn seems like a shoe in except for the fact that he's legacy now. I'd prefer Daala over Mara anyways. High ranking female Imperial officer would be cool.

Good catch on the Ozzel item, missed that.

My case for Mara being that she was sorta treated like the Emperor's right hand where as Vader would go smash things she would go and do them more subtlety. I can understand her not being there, just would like her to be in the game.

But I guess with the game we will find out if they will use legends material or stick closely to what was shown in the film more or less.

I really hope they include Thrawn. Fel is a Legends character, so they've already crossed that bridge. Thrawn makes even more sense than an elite fighter pilot to include in this kind of grand strategy game.

I suppose they might include Imperial Admiral Rae Sloane, who is a reoccurring character in a number of the recent canon novels. I don't think she's nearly as interesting as Thrawn, but if FFG wants to start moving toward the new canon she's a very logical choice.

EDIT: One bad sign for Thrawn fans is the fact that he was going to be featured on the box art for the Star Wars LCG expansion, "Imperial Entanglements," but got pulled off in favor of Lando. This was discussed on the Armada forum but unfortunately I lost track of the thread so can't link it.

Edited by knott06

FFG, please give us Thrawn. I know, I know he wasn't in the movies.... but please, give us Thrawn.

This game was MADE for Thrawn.

SU&SD got to play the game at worlds, in their podcast they mentioned Obi-wan being captured so it is pretty safe to assume that he is a Leader himself so our confired list of Rebel heroes as of now is:

1. Mon Mothma
2. Jan Dodonna
3. General Rieekan
4. Princess Leia
5. Luke Skywalker
6. Luke Skywalker Jedi
7. Han Solo
8. Wedge Antilles
9. Lando Calrissian
10: Obi-Wan
Leaving 3 more potential slots for leaders, most likely having Admiral Ackbar as one. Leaving us to guess the last two, with a few guesses being:
Chewbacca. Crix Madine, Syub Snunb, Talon Karrde, Garm Bel Iblis, and Bail Organa

We forgot Obi in our early projections? LOL

The guy dies quickly I suppose, but he's pretty important. The game does take place prior to Ep4 though. I was writing out Bail Organa simply because he dies in Ep4 when his home planet goes boom...but I suppose this puts him back on the table too.

Ackbar is a must.

Chewbacca is pretty high in the list unless he's just an upgrade character.

Next pick would be Crix for me.

Gonna bump Syub off the list at this point. Organa has been in a lot of recent stuff so would be a familiar face. He plays well with the Diplomatic side of the Rebellion also, so he may be a good pick over Crix at this point.

What about C3PO and R2D2? They don't fit well for main characters, but I could see them as upgrade disks.

Edited by kmanweiss

I think in the SU&SD podcast they said it takes place at the beginning of episode 4 with the Empire having the Death Star so it is hard to write anyone off. If you want to listen to the podcast yourself here you go:

After looking at the picture of the rebels' "Seek out Yoda" mission card I realized that both sides have an equal number of heroes. The card states that if that mission is done by Luke, change him out with Luke (Jedi) hero. stuff would be fun!...