Hey guys. So I was just playing through the Nightmare Three Trials (very fun by the way) and I got into a situation that I wasn't sure about. After completing the Trial of Strength as my last stage 2 quest (where you simply kill the guardian with the key attached to claim it), I moved onto Stage 3 after killing the Wolf Guardian, and all of the guardians re-engage me. Since it is still my attacking step, I killed the Boar Guardian. But I was wondering: could I have killed the Wolf's Guardian? I had already attacked him that phase, but he was discarded and then put back into play. I could've sworn I saw a ruling like this floating around, but I can't seem to find it. Anyone know?
Edited by Chris51261Stage 3A The Three Trials
"Cool question. If you defeat an enemy in combat and an effect puts it back into play engaged with you, that enemy has no memory of being engaged with you. As far as the game is concerned, it is a brand new enemy that you have not interacted with yet. That means you can declare an attack against it.
From the thread here .
Aha! Thank you very much kind sir. =D