Port Wander

By horizon, in Rogue Trader

Frick, I meant Port Wander

Yea, I just put in a few orders through GW this week for Battlefleet gothic ships since they are doing free shipping in Oct. Forgeworld right now is out of stock of all their BFG products, unfortunatly. Great model indeed.

Any idea on the populations of the Ramillies Star Forts? I'm creating a 3D star map for my game and want to fill out that sort of information.

Also... yeah the free shipping deal got me to bite too and I bought some long mulled over BFG stuff. See the prices on eBay for Battlefeet Gothic miniatures now? Looks like they've spiked a lot since a few weeks ago when I looked. I wonder if RT has had anything to do with that? gui%C3%B1o.gif

Morkalg said:

Any idea on the populations of the Ramillies Star Forts?

As a rough estimate based on the size of a Starfort compared to an IN Cruiser, and the numbers for the Lunar-class and Dauntless-class hulls in the RT rulebook, I'd say that a Ramilies-class would have about half a million crew (4 quadrants, each with 12 hits - so about twice the size of a Dauntless or half-again the size of a Lunar per quadrant).