Time Length of a Game

By Hawknight, in Warrior Knights

How long does an average game take?

Not the easiest thing to answer. The game lets you set the number of influence you play to, so the play length varies. Basically a turn takes between 20 and 40 mins depending on the number of players and you will remove around 2-3times the number of players of influence from the pool at the end of each turn. The five player game I had the other night (Two experienced players, two who has played a couple of times before and 1 newbie) with 7 influence per player in the pool lasted just under 3 hours. The longest game I have player (15influence per player - 4 players) lasted just over 5 hours.


I'd also say that a game is faster the better you know the rules - so we play with 4 guys and after having it played for three times we manage to play a game within 4 hours straight

I seem to recall when I played the older edition it didn't take too long.

My first few 2 player games took 5 - 6 hours as I had not read the rules all the way through and we were haing to check things all the time. 2nite I just played a2 player gamw with 8 influence per player in 3 hours/5 turns (though the reduced influence meant nothing as I finished the final turn with 14 influence). From reading other forums it seems that the average turn is 30 - 45 mins.

With my gaming groop, 4 player games tend to need about 6 hours - but we always play with the king variant and 15 influence per player in the pool and end, when one has accumulated 30. It takes time, but I think, longer games are much more fun - change has enough time to happen.

The original game did take a bit less time to play. However, this version has a lot of advantages in it. Usually we are looking at a five hour game when we play.

Hi everybody,

When you mention time, do you include the "crown and glory" expension or the base game?
