Here's an idea I'd like to try and I am hoping someone can accommodate me.
I'd like to play a solo game of Dark Heresy 2nd Edition with a bit of a twist. I'd like to explore an oft-referenced but rarely looked at portion of the 40k universe--I'd like to play an Adeptus Ministorum Priest tending to his flock. The details can vary of course. Maybe it's a posting on a Fortress world, a humble village on an Agriworld, the teeming masses of pilgrims on a Shrine world, or the constantly changing community of a void-based way station or voidship. Whatever the case the game would revolve around the Priest ministering to the needs of his congregation, but it need not be entirely mundane, this is 40k after all. Maybe the community is remote and has been infiltrated by some sort of heretical cult which needs be rooted out? Maybe the powers that be turn against the Imperium and the priest must look out for those still loyal to
light? Again details can vary.
A few ideas:
--A preacher tending to his parish on a Hive World.
--A Confessor weeding out a particularly insidious cult taking root in the Nobility of a vital Imperial world.
--A lone missionary bringing the Emperor's Light to a frontier world.
--Assigned to an Imperial Guard Regiment. We could use Only War if necessary and the character would get to know the soldiers under his care, minister to their needs, keep them strong, weed out heresy and corruption, and deal with losing people in service to the Emperor.
--Leading a group of pilgrims on a pilgrimage to a Shrine World. The trials and tribulations of reaching their destination.
I think 40k is best when it focuses not the wide-scale action, but on a person or persons trying to survive, and maybe even better, a dark and predatory universe. Whether or not they succeed, it can make for some really wonderful stories. I really want to explore the humanity there, even if that humanity isn't very nice. That's not to say that action shouldn't happen. It can and it should. Maybe a cult or other heresy tries to take root? Maybe a rogue psyker targets the priest's parishoners. It doesn't matter what so long as the solution isn't "Space Marines land and kill it" or "The Inquisition issues Exterminatus."
I'd really like to keep this a solo game and one with a decent posting rate. A few posts a week at least, but a little faster would be okay too. I'd like to use Dark Heresy 2nd Edition, but I would be okay with Only War if you wanted the character to be assigned to an IG regiment. If this idea sounds interesting to anybody please respond here or PM me. Thanks for reading.