I am currently trying out Aun'shi and ran into some issues regarding him.
When during a battle at the 4th planet I move Aun'shi to the 2nd planet with a card like Kauyon Strike or Ksi'm'yen Orbital City will there be a battle at the 2nd planet afterwards in the same round?
So essentially do you check planets down the line again for battle conditions in the same round?
The second question is regarding presence of units and winning the battle as the rulebook looks to be slightly contradicing here.
On page 26 (3.2.10) it is stated that the the check for remaining enemy units is done at the beginning of the combat turn, while the diagram on page 22 (3.2.10) states at any time.
What I would like to know is whether I can hold back Aun'shi at my HQ and sit out the ranged attack phase and the majority of the combat phase at a planet with only enemy units, until they are all exhausted to swing in with cards like Kauyon Strike or Ksi'm'yen Orbital City (similarly to a Klaivex Warlord)? This without running the risk of loosing the battle at that planet.
And finally if you are alone with Aun'shi at a planet and forced to attack and exhaust Aun'shi and treturn to your HQ, would it be possible to work around this by playing For the Tau'va or Tense Negotiations?
This Warlord has proven to be a bit of a puzzle as it seems to work and play very different from the other warlords.
But I am already loving him for the Armorbane as he is turning out to be a real Warlord killer.