10th Place. X-wing World Championships 2015

By Vyz, in X-Wing Battle Reports

2015 X-Wing Miniatures World Championships.

List: "All Stick, No Carrot"

VT-49 Decimator, Piloted by Rear Admiral Chirneau

EPT - Veteran Instincts

Crew - Darth Vader

Crew - Gunner

Modification - Engine Upgrade

TIE Phantom, Piloted by Whisper

EPT - Veteran Instincts

System - Fire Control System

Modification - Advanced Cloaking Device

Round 1 - Opponent from Wisconsin

Rebel List

Poe Dameron (Lone Wolf, R5-P9, Autothrusters)

Gold Squadron Y Wing (TLT, BTLA4, Stress Bot)

Gold Squadron Y Wing (TLT)


My Opponant set up with his Z-95 and Y-Wing's on his far right. Since I had inititive, I then placed Whisper in the middle of the board so I could go either direction. He then placed Poe on the opposite side of this Y-wings, and I placed the decimator in jousting position of Poe. Seperating Poe to take advantage of his Lone Wolf was a mistake as with my Decimator build, I want to miss my first attack with him. He starts with a 2 forward and I blast the Decimator out with a 4 forward and a boost to get into firing range on turn 1. I miss my first shot, and sacrifice 2 shields to take 1 off of Poe, followed by another shot where 1 damage sneaks through, and another crit from Lord Vader to put some fear into Poe. He fires back, does 2 damage to the decimator and we go to dials. Poe is dropped by the Decimator on the next turn, and whisper moves as far accross the board and possible without letting the Stress Y catch her in arc. I seperate my two ships on the next turn and the rocks force my opponant to swing tword the decimator with his fields of fire, allowing Whisper to begin flanking runs and the decimator takes the Z-95 off the board with hit, crit, crit followed by another use of Lord Vader. Eventually the Decimator goes down, but not before doing its job and putting out a ton of damage. Whisper operates as the clean up crew and we start the day with a win.

1-0 Whisper @ 39 points remaining.

Round 2 - Opponent from Hawaii

Imperial List

Darth Vader (Veteran Instincts, Title, Advanced Targeting Computer, Engine Upgrade)

Soontir Fel (Title, Push the Limit, AutoThrusters, Stealth Device)

Juno Eclipse (Veteran Instincts, Title, Advanced Targeting Computer)

This Match had me a bit wary due to the PS 10 and 11 TIE Advances. These ships are a bit harder to take down quickly, and if they are allowed to focus fire on the Decimator, they can take it down before it has a chance to do the damage that I need it to do. He places Vader on his far right, Juno in the middle, and Soontir on the far left. I joust Soontir with the Decimator and have Whisper in the middle again. Turn 1 he does a hard 2 with Soontir, but since his placed him as far up as he could at the beginning, I am able to 4 forward and 1 bank boost to catch him on turn 1. I miss both shots with the decimator, but Vader does what Vader does and puts 2 crits on Soontir. Damaged Sensor Array and Shaken Pilot. Unfortunatly, my opponant then reveals a 4 strait as Soontir's next move. I stop him and point out the crit. I painfully take he dial and select his new move. 3 hard right, putting him dangerously close to the edge of the board, and out of the coming fight. He then goes to barrel roll, and I remind him of the Sensor Array. He rolls and misses. This will force Soontir off the board on the next turn. From here we basically go head on with Juno and Vader, and I run the Decimator into Vader so I can focus fire on Juno. I am able to take her down, and drop the shields on Vader before losing the Decimator. From here I have the dangerous 1v1 with a PS 11 Vader. I think we spend about 8 rounds dancing back and forth with no one able to get a shot, until finally we run into one another head on. We both Dial up 4k turns followed by 2 straights and trade fire at range 1. I've taken an evade action and roll Evade, Blank. He rolls hit, crit, blank, and adds a crit with ATC. I have one shield remaining so I am safe from the crit. I return fire with hit hit, blank, crit, blank, and reroll with my target lock to end up with hit, hit, Crit, Crit, blank. He rolls Evade, Evade, Blank, and uses and Evade token. So one crit sneaks through... Its a Major Explosion, and he rolls for and hits, which flops another crit, and a direct hit. Ending the game.

2-0 Whisper @ 39 points remaining.

Round 3 - Opponent from Massachusets

Imperial List

Darth Vader (Predator, Title, Advanced Targeting Computer, Engine Upgrade)

Soontir Fel (Title, Push the Limit, AutoThrusters, Stealth Device)

Shuttle (Emperor Palpatine)

This is the list I expected to see at Worlds and one I wanted to be sure I could beat 95% of the time. I forget how this began, but I know I was able to land shots on Soontir early, putting 2 crits on him, but not killing him, and forcing him out of the fight. I then turned my guns on Vader and dropped him quickly, without loosing the Decimator since I was able to arc dodge with a boost to keep the shuttle from firing. A turn later the Shuttle goes down to the combined firepower of the Decimator and Whisper and my opponent calls it at this point realizing that if the decimator gets in range, I have the health to just vader him and finish the game before he gets a chance to shoot.

3-0 Whisper @ 39 points and Decimator @ 29 Points Remaining.

Round 4 - Opponent from ???

Scum List

IG-88 B (Crack Shot, Glitterstim, HLC, FCS, AutoThrusters, Title)

IG-88 C (Crack Shot, Glitterstim, HLC, FCS, AutoThrusters, Title)

I begin this match on the defensive. I know full well that if I allow him to bring both guns to bare on Whisper from range 2 or 3, that she will die in one volly due to glitterstim and crackshot plus B's ability. I am able to get the first round of firing to be both my guns on C, while C can only shoot at the Decimator. I am able to strip all of the shields off of C, as well as put 1 damage card on it. The next turn, I decloak to block the S turn from C, which works, and then the Decimator arc dodges B. Whisper takes a shot from B that strips a shield, but forces a crack shot use. B is forced to defensivly use glitterstim to stay alive, and the decimator decides to put damage into B instead since I felt I had C out of the fight for a few turns. The next few turns I am able to not allow an IG to shoot at the same target twice in a row, wasting his target locks in the proccess. I drop B first, and then lose the decimator. It takes me 3 turns to chase down C, but in the end there is no escape and whisper finishes the job.

4-0 Whisper @ 39 points remaining.

Dinner Break:

So far so good. I knew going into this tournament that I was flying a list that would not be forgiving with the new MOV rules. I felt that with the current meta swing, that my list would be able to just win matches, which so far it was. I had a great way to deal with enemy aces that didnt require the dice to be in my favor for the most part. The biggest weakness of the list is dealing with mass TLT's. I know these lists are popular, but for the most part, the better players that I've had to play against stay away from them because they know they have a hard counter, and thats people like Soontir Fel. Most of the top players that I'd been testing with were splashing TLT's into their lists as a means of deturrant or long range, reliable damage output during turns where you were setting up for real attacks (Aside from Mr. Aaron Bonar who almost made me pick a different list in the week before worlds after testing with him and his **** K-wings). I chose to roll the dice and just hope for favorable matchups, or the ability to outfly my bad matchups. I figured that if I could get to round 4 undefeated, that I wouldn't have to deal with quad TLT lists from that point on. As it turned out, I was right.

Round 5 - vs Travis Foss from Australia

Rebel List

Dash Rendar (PTL, Kyle Katarn, Outrider, HLC, Engine Upgrade)

Corran Horn (Fire Control System, R2-D2, Veteran Instinct)

Of course now I make a joke about dropping a game so I can escape playing on the live stream when then my name is called out to report to the scoring table... Yep, time to get on the stream. Guess I kind of cursed myself here haha. Anyway, I'm fortunate enough to meet Travis who is a fantastic guy and one hell of a pilot. Travis wins the asteroid battle because I make the mistake of placeing the first one on his side of the board before my brain kicked in and realized that he had Dash sitting there waiting to be deployed. He lines up with Dash and Corran both on his far right side, and I start with both of my ships in the middle of the map. We both move out slowly and I think it takes 3 turns before I decide to do a 3 bank left with the Decimator and boost it up to either make Corran hit me, or take a range 1 shot on him and hopefully do some massive damage before he lays into the Decimator. He does a 1 straight and we are sitting less than an inch from one another. I take my range 1 shot and roll some damage. His dice are hot, which is unfortunate for him because I want to miss my first shot. He rolls a few evades and I miss, allowing me to use Darth Vader to take a shield off of him, and activate gunner to attack again. I roll hit, hit, blank, Crit. here his dice to the exact opposite and he rolls 1 evade and 2 blanks. With the shields down, its a no brainer and I use Lord Vader again to put a Major Explosion on Corran. He rolls, and its a hit. Flips into another damage card, which I don't remember, but it doesn't matter as that kills Corran instantly. He is able to return fire due to his PS 10 and put hit, hit, crit, crit into the decimator (consol fire and a stress from the crits) followed by 4 hits from dash, putting the decimator at 4 hull remaining. Next turn I bring both guns to bare on Dash, vadering once on the first miss, then putting a few damage naturally one it, but not vadering, so that I force him to take a shot at the decimator rather than whisper. Whisper follows up with a few more damage and establishing her target lock with FCS. He does what he must and the Decimator goes down. We dance for the next 7 or so turns, with one close encounter where he tried to make me hit him, and I just barely dodged. On the next approach, I see that we are in relitively the same position as when he attempted the block, so I bait him into it again with a sideways decloak. He takes the bait and moves into range 1, directly in front of me. I've dialed up a 4k and I flip into range one directly behind him. 5 dice and a target lock, I roll 5 hits without any rerolls and only need 2 damage to finish the job.

5-0 Whisper @ 39 points remaining.

Round 6 - vs Jonathan Reinig from Kansas City

Rebel List

Corran Horn (PTL, Advanced Sensors, R2D2, Engine Upgrade)

Miranda Donni (TLT, Extra Munitions, Seismic Charge, Connor Net, C3P0, Advanced Slam)

I met Jonathan earlier this year at his bachlor party here at FFG where we had a tournament in his honor. Hes a great guy and a hell of a pilot. He always brings things to the table that are unexpected, and this is no different. Miranda with bombs was not something I was expecting to see, and with their ability to throw a wrench into games, I am always warry of bombs. Fortunately I am able to get the Decimator on Corran early and at range 3. I do my double vader action and strip his shields and do 1 crit with vader ( I dont remember what it was). He returns fire doing 1 damage to the decimator. He realizes what is about to happen so take the opportunity to double tap, sadly only doing 1 more damage to the Decimator. The next round the decimator shoots at Corran, missing, killing him with Vader, and activating Gunner to lay some shots into Miranda. Miranda then lays some heavy damage into the Decimator. Miranda finish off the Decimator the next turn and the chase begins. Due to some fantastic flying on Jonathans part, he is able to make me run into Miranda head on. This is a scary position with him packing a Conner net, and me facing the boards edge. I am forced to dial up the 3k turn, knowing that I'm going to be taking a Conner net, and it will leave me defensless. The 2 forward is done, the net is dropped, and I take my shield damage, do my 3k turn, and take my stress. I lay some damage into Miranda, activating my pilot ability and getting that focus token assigned to me. He shoots with the TLT and rolls blank, blank, eyeball. A life saver for me. His second shot is hit, hit, eyeball. I roll blank, focus, focus, use my eyeball, and take no damage. The next turn I have to move forward due to rocks so I can clear my stress, and he lays a seismic charge as a little present for me when I do, stripping my other shield. We are outside of range so no shots for the next turn, but following that. I decloak forward to gain some ground. He does a 3 bank to clear an asteroid and gain some distance. I follow up with a 3 hard that cuts close to the rock, but gets me arc and range 2 and I finish off Miranda.

6-0 Whisper @ 39 points remaining.

Round 7 - vs Paul Heaver from Virginia

Rebel List

Poe Dameron (Veteran Instinct, R2D2, Autothrusters)

Gold Squadron Y Wing (TLT, BTLA4, Stress Bot)

Gold Squadron Y Wing (TLT)


As many of you know, Paul is the 2 time defending world champion and one of the most technically sound pilots in the game. His moves are all precise and calculated, from set up to rock placement, and he schooled me in both of these during this match. He set up on his far right with all 4 of his guys and most of the rocks were on the other side of the board in a long line. I made the mistake of putting my Decimator on this far side to keep the rocks between us so I could hopefully pull off a big turn with a boost and clear some arcs. Sadly this never happened. He baiting like he was engaging the Decimator and swung on Whisper. I had a barrel roll option with Whisper, but gambled that I was out of arc. He had to call a judge over to check the arc, and by a sliver, his BTLA4 Stress Y had whisper in arc. This spelled my doom as I was forced to run for the next 5 turns with Whisper trying to dodge arc and clear stress at the same time. I eventually got the stress off, but lost the decimator in the process while only taking down a Y wing. He had Whisper pinned in the corner and forced my hand at another escape attempt, which I cleared. Poe pulled a Talon Roll to end up behind a cloaked whisper at range 2. He fires and rolls hit hit crit. I roll my 4 dice and get blank, blank, blank, eyeball. Ending whisper. Paul is very gracious in his win and rewards me with a custom target lock. I very much look forward to my next opportunity to play against him.

6-1 Only destroying 12 points of my opponants list.

Round 8 - vs Drew Bishop

Imperial List

Whisper (Veteran Instinct, Advanced Cloaking Device, Sensor Jammer, Intellegence Agent)

Howlrunner (Veteran Instinct, Hull Upgrade)

Academy Pilot

Academy Pilot

Academy Pilot

Make or break time. I know that if I lose, I will not have the MoV to make it into the cut. I knew this from the start of the tournament. We line up in a joust and just short of impact, I cut the decimator with a hard 3, dodging a few arcs and lay fire into his Whisper, stripping the shields. I take some damage on the Decimator, but nothing serious. My Whisper doesnt have a shot on his, but I do put 1 damage into Howlrunner and establish my target lock. His Whisper goes down to the Decimator the next turn, and Howlrunner goes down to Whisper, but I lose the Decimator to the Academy Pilots. We spend the next few turns dancing as he tries to corral Whisper and I am forced to switch my target every turn so as to not get blocked and always have a shot to recloak. Eventually, I am able to drop a tie, giving myself some space while at the same time he loses a tie to an asteroid. 2 turns later I drop the last tie fighter to finish out the swiss rounds.

7-1 Whisper @ 39 points remaining.

9am until 1am...... 8 rounds of swiss. One of the most grueling days of X-wing I have ever experienced. To all those players with the 4 and 5 ship lists, I salute you. I can only imagine the brain burn you experienced during all of that. The Final Swiss standings come out and I'm sitting in the 5th position out of 278(?) players. The elimination rounds are taking place the following morning so its off to bed (hopefully) and some rest.

After a night of little sleep due to a crappy hotel bed, nerves, and excitement, I'm back at FFG and ready for some X-wing.

Top 16 vs Jeremy Howard (Nova Squadron)

Imperial List

Darth Vader (Predator(?), Title, Advanced Targeting Computer,)

Soontir Fel (PTL, Title, AutoThrusters, Stealth Device)

Shuttle (Sensor Jammer, Emperor Palpatine)

I've never met Jeremy before, but I am glad I did. Hes a great guy and had a sound strategy vs a list he knew he was at a disadvantage facing. He took his Soontir as far away from the Decimator as he could get it and forced me to engage Vader and the Shuttle first. I did my normal Vader things to his Vader, stripping the shields. He fires back at me at range 3 through debris, landing hit, crit, and ATC for another Crit. I roll my 2 dice for Evade, Evade... the worst 2 evades of my life. The one crit that goes through? Blinded Pilot. Since the new damage deck, this crit is the bane of my existence, as previously I could skirt it with the use of Vader and Gunner. Not anymore (and the main reason I'm against the use of the old damage deck from a balance standpoint). So I take the opportunity to slam the decimator into the shuttle to limit the amout of fire coming at it during the next turn, and fire on the shuttle with Whisper after a barrel roll. Whisper rolls Focus, Focus, Focus, blank.... great start lol. His Vader fires on the Decimator again, putting 2 more crits on it, one of which being a damaged cockpit. Great. This puts me at 4 hull remaining on the Decimator, and I will be shooting last.. I death sentence. I am able to take his Vader out with Whisper, but simultanious fire take the decimator out. I now have whisper vs Soontir with Palpshuttle backup. He is able to arc dodge into range one, and put 2 hits 2 crits into whisper, who blanks out and ends my tournament.

After the final standing are tallied, I finished in 10th place. My only losses being to Paul who would go on to become the 3 time champion, and Jeremy would would fall to Paul in the Semi Finals.

I feel like the list did exactly what it was supposed to do, and that is win games. It doesn't play the MoV game, or the stall game. Its a 30 minute match, win or lose and that is what I enjoy. A lot of people have written off the Phantom post stealth fix, as well as big base ships post MoV change and I believe that both are a mistake. These ships are fantastic when designed with specific rolls in mind. The decimator is going to die... every game. Its expected. You have to realize that and take advantage of the time you have to create so much havoc into your opponants list that you can clean up with whatever you decide to bring with it. I chose Whisper because the ships that the decimator is weak against, Whisper thrives. Beyond that, I feel an afinity to the Phantom, especially post change. They take a lot more skill to pilot then they previously did and I enjoy the challenge. The reason I say all this is I want to encourage you to fly what you find fun, because at the end of the day, thats what this is all about. If you put in the time with the ships you love, any ship and be build to be competitive. Thank you so much to all the wonderful people that I was able to spend these fantastic days with, to FFG for holding such a diverse event, and to all of my opponants for their time and dedication to a game that I love.

Great write up man

Great write up! I was your first opponent on the day, and you quickly showed me the error in putting Poe by himself. After that he stuck with the Y's and Z to help keep him alive longer. I still went 2-6, but as this was my first tournament ever, flying against lists I have never flown against, I was pleased with this result. Hope we meet again with a different result next time ;)

Great write up, I enjoyed reading it. It was especially interesting because, like you point out, the Decimator seemed to be written off a bit with the introduction of TLT and big ship scoring rules, and also many have stayed away from playing Whisper with the decloaking rule changes. A lot of people lost confidence in IGs because of the new big ship scoring rules as well, but I've stuck by them with the same thought process you have with your build; play to win, forget about MoV. Your build is much more deliberate with that strategy than IGs, but I'm glad to see that great 2-ship lists like yours are still at the top tables. The game has truly hit renaissance stage where any number of ships are competitive and so many variations between the ships themselves, ship pilots, and upgrades are viable.

Great write up and congratulations on the excellent finish!

Nice. i enjoyed the read and i'll keep in mind that "forward-4 + boost" to put two early crits on round 1.

Vader does what Vader does and puts 2 crits on Soontir. Damaged Sensor Array and Shaken Pilot. Unfortunatly, my opponant then reveals a 4 strait as Soontir's next move. I stop him and point out the crit. I painfully take he dial and select his new move. 3 hard right, putting him dangerously close to the edge of the board, and out of the coming fight. He then goes to barrel roll, and I remind him of the Sensor Array. He rolls and misses. This will force Soontir off the board on the next turn.

And that, children, is why you use critical hit tokens.

I received the same crit in a later game, and I certainly made sure I put a marker out!

Edited by TnT

Nice job, sir!

I agree with your choice of that Whisper and Decimator list for those reasons. I regularly play:



And it's one of my most successful, enjoyable lists to play. List's like this win brutally and fast, which is fantastic when you've got 8+ games to play in one day.

Thanks guys and gals, glad you enjoyed it.

Is this list still a thing in the current meta? Maybe even with a kallus added to whisper? Will it be viable in the wave 8 meta (that is the current meta on vassal)? Is Maybe adding expose+experimental interface in exchange for veteran instincts and engine a viable option? Did some podcast maybe interview Brad Miller?

Edited by Masseter

Great write up. I watched the game against Corran-Dash on YouTube and it looks like a fun list to fly. How would you attack a dual decimator list, one with Vader and the other with Palpatine? One of the guys at my store likes to run that.

Is this list still a thing in the current meta? Maybe even with a kallus added to whisper? Will it be viable in the wave 8 meta (that is the current meta on vassal)? Is Maybe adding expose+experimental interface in exchange for veteran instincts and engine a viable option? Did some podcast maybe interview Brad Miller?

It was Mynock podcast episode 5 and this is Brad Miller's write up :) .

Yes. This list is still very viable in the current meta as it tends to just smash aces lists. Agent Kallus added to Whisper is the right move because he negates your need for the initiative bid. As for wave 8 meta, we will have to wait and see. I don't use vassal because I believe it inhibits your ability to fly personally. Viewing obs on the computer compared to obs on a board is drastically different.

As for attacking the duel decimator list, always smash the one with Vader on it first, and only with your deci for a turn or two. Try and put enough damage into it that he won't have the hull to vader your Whisper. Whisper should be able to clean up the other one solo if need be.

As for expose-EI.... I feel its a poor decision. You lock yourself into 2 speed moves after that because your greens are very limited, and thus your predictable. Large bases that can boost are the most powerful things in the game.

Thanks a lot for those insights. How does kallus make the ini bid obsolete? Do you normally take initiative against PS 9 opponents? I played the list some more and what I really don't like are stress hogs. Double stress on whisper really sucks. I often see the stress hog together with a VI Poe. If You play against such lists: Maybe kill the hog 1st? Is it worth to vader him? Or try to pump it/get into range 1 or avoid it totally/use whisper as bait and kill Poe 1st?

Edited by Masseter

Kallus makes that ini bid obsolete because he gives you the tools to take a shot while uncloaked and still have the firepower for your return shot. For example: Whisper is at R3 of a VI Poe Dameron whom she has as her Agent Kallus target. She takes an Evade action. Poe then fires at Whisper at R3. Throwing hit, hit, focus, which he uses his pilot ability for 3 total hits. Whisper rolls 3 evade dice and gets Evade, Focus, Blank. Kallus turns the Focus into an evade for you, so you Evade all 3 shots while uncloaked. Now you return fire into Poe, and Roll hit, hit, focus, blank. You agent Kallus that focus into a hit for a total of 3, and do 1 damage to Poe. Having Kallus saves you from all but a 4 Dice attack, unless their are multiple ships shooting before you, but those are odds I like personally for the benefit of the offense. Also, if your not worried about that high PS person, throwing Kallus on a TLT Y-wing thats shooting last is a huge defensive boon. you've used all your tokens by the time it shoots and Kallus works on both of the TLT shots. As for taking inititive against PS9 opponents if I can, absolutely. Stress Hogs are a problem. They are very dangerous and you have to be very cagey around them (they accounted for my only loss in swiss). The goal against a stress hog list is to Joust it perferably. You want to attempt to get both of your ships into range 1 and lob as much firepower into that thing as possible. Yeah, your going to get double stressed if you miss range one. You should then spend your next turn NOT DECLOAKING, and just clearing stress. Play the long game if needed. The Decimator should be able to finish the Y-wing, and hopefully take another ship down with it before it goes away (whatever is the biggest threat to Whisper), then you just let Whisper play clean up crew.

Don't be afraid to use Vader crew, even on shields. Putting that much stress on your opponent makes them make mistakes. Do damage fast and make them alter their plan.

Thanks for all this advice! Another question: How do You decide Your Kallus target? Always the one, whom u intend to kill 1st in order to burn it faster? Or leave the Kallus target for last? And what about brobots or even double firesprays (e. g. Kath + Boba Fett - lost to that yesterday)? Also vader their shields?

Edited by Masseter

The Kallus target depends on the list your going against. If there isnt anyone that will shoot before Whisper, I will typically put it on the second or third ship that will be shooting at Whisper, especially if one of those is a TLT. This allows me to use my tokens on the initial shot if necessary and not be without when we get to those later shots. Typically I don't kill my kallus target first, unless they are the higher pilot skill and a big threat. Brobots is a toss up. You just pick one and kill whatever presents itself first. What I mean by vader their shields is that you can't be afraid to give out vader crits for shield damage, especially against bots. You have to take them down as fast as possible and that is the way I do it.

I really fell in love with this squad! But don't like seeing all those hight hitpoint targets in Wave 8. Also the tripple jumpmasters make me headaches. How to best play high hitpoint targets like say Dengar+Boba Fett? And how to approach the Triple Jumpmasters or dual VCX-100s? Is the list still as strong in the meta? Pls someone tell me, that the list is still viable and how. ;-)

The Kallus target depends on the list your going against. If there isnt anyone that will shoot before Whisper, I will typically put it on the second or third ship that will be shooting at Whisper, especially if one of those is a TLT. This allows me to use my tokens on the initial shot if necessary and not be without when we get to those later shots. Typically I don't kill my kallus target first, unless they are the higher pilot skill and a big threat. Brobots is a toss up. You just pick one and kill whatever presents itself first. What I mean by vader their shields is that you can't be afraid to give out vader crits for shield damage, especially against bots. You have to take them down as fast as possible and that is the way I do it.

What are your thoughts on using the old damage deck for this list (Kallus version)?

It feels like overall it's better, but I've genuinely never even used the old damage deck before, so it feels weird thinking this way (I started around christmas, so basically have always used the "new" damage deck). My thinking is basically centered around how criticals affect RAC rather than whisper, since RAC is the one that will likely 1) have criticals, and 2) survive long enough to have their effects be ongoing:

You have two "fr ee " criticals in Minor Hull Breach ( After executing a red maneuver, roll 1 attack die. On a Hit result, suffer 1 damage ) and Munitions Failure ( Immediately choose 1 of your secondary weapon Upgrade cards and discard it. Then flip this card facedown ), and a [mostly] better Blinded Pilot (for the gunner aspect, as you mentioned, as well as triggering adv. cloaking device on Whisper). The only downside is Injured Pilot ( All players must ignore your pilot ability and all of your Elite upgrade cards. ) , but beyond the loss of the pilot ability, on RAC it just knocks him down to 8 (not great, but not brutal), and whisper to a 7 (quite brutal, but if she has one crit, then she's not a in a good place already).

In turn, you lose the following criticals from the new damage deck:

Loose Stabilizer ( After you execute a white maneuver, receive 1 stress token. Action: Flip this card facedown . ) - Not bad, not great

Major Hull Breach ( Starting the round after you receive this card, all Damage cards dealt to you are dealt faceup. Action: Flip this card facedown. ) - BRUTAL if not fixed on RAC.

Shaken Pilot ( During the Planning phase, you cannot be assigned straight maneuvers. When you reveal a maneuver, flip this card facedown. ) - Not bad, not great.

Edited by Tlfj200

Thank you for sharing this. Now I have a better idea of using the Deci-Phantom build.

I had the same Whisper build as yours, but my Decimator featured Oicunn with a defensive crew of Rebel Captive, Mara Jade, Ysanne. Dauntless and Expose, and Seismic charges to complete the points.

I shall definitely test your build, though my Phantom skills are still rookie level at best.