So, legacy format.

By Speedsta, in UFS Uk Forum

Hi all,

As you may know I recently got back from Game 09 where I spoke to several UFS players from different parts of the UK (including some who were not in the event). Based on that, and on conversations I've had wih other scouts in the UK I'm curious, are there still many player groups anywhere who don't prefer legacy to mini-block?

Are you using local banned lists? And have scouts switched to only running legacy and prerelease events? Is the crushing power of Mai-Ragnar still viable in Legacy???

It is starting to seem like everyone in the UK thinks the new standard format sucks quite a lot :)

- Ross

I can catagorically say that I prefer standard/mini-block to Legacy - as shown by the fact that all my Legacy cards are now in a skip at the local tip!


I definitely prefer the new standard to legacy. I think legacy has a place and I'll still play it on occasion but it'll be just that, occasional.

And I'm saying this as someone who sank a huge amount of money into all my legacy product over the years.

Yup, Standard over Legacy here too, although as Rob said also I'll probably play the odd game.

Each to their own I guess, but all major tournaments will be in Standard.

The entire reason Southampton have a playgroup again is becuase of the current format, I don't see why anyone would want to play with cards so stupid that FFG said "You know what STG have been retarded and these cards could kill the game. We're forceing rotation to save it." This mini block is a good thing and the new fight night kits are fantastic(Steve we need to find out how to get some by the way).

So no legacy for me.
