(RtL) Lieutenants and sieging a city.

By ahzqdfrbi, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

If you have multiple Lts on a city, can they each siege that city, thereby adding more than one siege token in a given week? Can they each roll to raze the city, thereby granting multiple rolls to raze the city in a given week?

If you were sieging a city and the Lt who had added the siege tokens leaves the area, but you still have another Lt on that city, do you keep all the siege tokens or are they lost because the original Lt left?

ahzqdfrbi said:

If you have multiple Lts on a city, can they each siege that city, thereby adding more than one siege token in a given week? Can they each roll to raze the city, thereby granting multiple rolls to raze the city in a given week?

If you were sieging a city and the Lt who had added the siege tokens leaves the area, but you still have another Lt on that city, do you keep all the siege tokens or are they lost because the original Lt left?

Each LT gets their own action so each LT CAN add a siege token. However, there is still only 1 roll to raze the city which is done BEFORE OL actions.

Siege tokens remain as long as a LT is still there (doesn't have to be the original LT)

From pg. 10 of the RtL rulebook:

Placing a siege token on a city is part of a Lt.'s action when the OL issues an order to that Lt. during the OL's turn (Step 3 of the Game Week). So, yes, multiple Lt.'s can besiege a city in placing tokens.

Rolling to resolve sieges is during Step 2 of the game week, and the number of Lt.'s has no bearing on the number of rolls. It simply says if a city has enough tokens then make the roll.

Step 2 also says to remove siege tokens from any city where there is not at least 1 Lt. present. So, multiple Lt.'s could besiege a city and then some of them could move on while one stays behind to make the rolls.