Planets what we know so far

By Animewarsdude, in Star Wars: Rebellion

Thus far this is what I could make out from the article and product description so far.


I think it is safe to say we will see every world from the original trilogy and that a fair number from the prequels will show up as well. Perhaps we will even see new worlds to tie in with the new universe like Jakku and Lothal. Now are there any more of these worlds that people have been able to make out, if it helps it seems that this map generally follows where the planets generally are in the universe?

It's "upside down," LOL. I realize that, being a spiral galaxy, it's always rotating, but I always picture Tatooine on the bottom of the map, with Yavin on the right and Hoth on the left. It will be difficult to adjust to this, but I'll manage. I have to. :)

I'm pretty sure that the planet that shares a border with both Coruscant and Corellia is Kashyyyk. (Left-most planet in the same sector as those two).

So here is my second attempt at filling in planets, at first I started by placing the more important planets in which ended up filling up most of the right hand side of the board, as I put planets that were in the films there with general checking of the old galaxy maps.


I then proceeded to look through the galaxy map that FFG made for the Star Wars RPG series, which uses this orientation of the galaxy. I used it to try and get the general idea of where some of the more notable planets were in relation to each other and stared filling in from there. Some of the planets I weren't exactly sure about being:

Naboo: I selected the region closer to Tatooine due to the fact the planet there had a shorter name, though it might make more sense in accordance with the map to place it next to Kassyyyk and Alderaan.

Kamino: This planet is in wild space and not exactly in that area but the image of the planet looks right, and it would make sense to add it due to its importance from the Clone Wars.

Lothal: This planet according to my knowledge hasn't be added to any of the maps so I was just basing it there due to the similar depiction of the planet and guessed that they would want to include it in the list of planets.

Corulag: This planet may not be the one on the map but I was just trying to find a core world that was important and made sense in regards to the map.

Kessal: A Pure guess made off of position and use in Rebels.

Ord Mantell: Thought it might make sense to include it do to the throw away line Han gave in The Empire Strikes back, as well as general positioning.

Mygeeto: Simply trying to think of what important planet may be used in that part of space.

Of course FFG could simply be placing planets wherever they wish but it would seem that they are intent on using the map as a guide, which I ever so greatly appreciate, so I am making my guesses as such. Now there are some empty spaces so feel free to point out what planets you think these may be or if you think my placement of the planets are wrong.

I put together my thoughts on what planets are which over at BGG and my guesses on planets largely line up with yours.


I agree on Dagobah and Lothal from yours. They seem more likely than what I picked. Kamino, Naboo, and Kashyyyk seem more likely on yours as well, but they can be a toss up.

However, I am fairly certain on Alderaan being to the left of Coruscant. The planet above Coruscant has a fairly lengthy name that appears to be in two parts, which is why I believe its Cato Neimoidia.

Ilum, Dantooine, Ord Mantell, Mygeeto and Mustafar I am 90% certain on. The location, planet color, and text size all match up.

Definitely have Alderaan correct. It literally blows up between the two pictures.

what might be the "special" abilities of each planet??

what might be the "special" abilities of each planet??

I don't think planets have a special ability persay but do have orange (ground) and blue (Space) symbols that represent the level of production that planet can provide when building your units.

In addition to that, each symbol is either triangle, circle, or square. I think that might represent the units that can be built. Also, I found some information somewhere that said the number (1,2, or 3) next to each planet name tells what build queue to put units it builds in. Apparently some units can only be sent to a 3 planet, or a 2 planet, and not a 1.

okay.....bwa-ha-ha....what might each planet special "production" ability be.......?

Don't know. Why don't you look at the pictures? Maybe you could see something we can't.

If the depicted reference sheets are anything to go by, Rebels will build X-wings, Y-wings, and Medium Transports with the blue triangles on the planets they control. Rebels get Corvettes with blue circles and Mon Calamari Cruisers with blue squares. The number to the lower left indicates how many turns it will take to produce these units on the production track. The higher the number the slower the production. Orange triangles = Rebel troopers. Orange circles = speeders. Orange squares = Shield Generator/Ion Cannon.

Imperials: Blue triangles = Tie Fighters; Blue circles = Gonzanti transports; Blue squares = Star Destroyers. Green Card symbols on the imperial reference sheet likely indicate that special cards are needed to produce the Super Star Destroyer or the Death Star. Orange triangles = storm troopers; Orange circles = AT-STs; Orange squares = AT-ATs.

Good observation. Here is a short right-up I did on

Ok, so, back on target... The large picture let me see some interesting details.

Rebel units and dice:

Trooper: orange triangle-1 black die

Snow speeder: orange circle-1 black 2 red dice

Shield generator: orange square- 1 red dice- special writing on card indicates it has special rules

Ion ground laser cannon: orange square- 1 red dice- special writing on card indicates it has special rules

X-wing: blue triangle: one black dice

Y-wing: blue triangle: one black and one red dice

Rebel transport: blue triangle- one red dice

Rebel blockade runner: blue circle- one black and two red dice

Mon Cal Frigate: blue square- one black and two red dice

Imperial units and dice:

Stormtrooper: orange triangle- one black dice

AT-ST: Orange circle- one black and two red dice

AT-AT: orange square- one black and two red dice

TIE fighter: blue triangle- one black dice

Imperial cruiser: blue ?circle?- one black and two red dice

Star Destroyer: blue square- one black and two red dice

Super Star Destroyer: Light blue square- one black and two red dice

Death Star (complete): light blue square- one red dice

Death Star (incomplete): light blue square- one black dice

(There are no light blue squares that I can see on the board, possibly a combo of resources to build or indicator of unique unit.)

This is the game's map as we know it so far, planets with white names have been confirmed by articles and the description page while blue names are just my best guesses.


In Legends, Ryloth had rings, and Kessel used to be a planetoid. Both worlds appear as shown in The Clone Wars and Rebels respectively, making these depictions canon.

From AngryJoe's live play of the game. Alderaan, Cato Nemodia, Naboo, Mandalore, Ord Mantell, Dagobah, Illum, Geonosis, Ryloth, Tatooine, and Kessal, have all been confirmed as they are on the map. And it looks like where I placed Lothal is in fact Utapau. Interesting to note how many Prequel worlds show up, maybe we will see a clone wars expansion at some point.

From AngryJoe's live play of the game. Alderaan, Cato Nemodia, Naboo, Mandalore, Ord Mantell, Dagobah, Illum, Geonosis, Ryloth, Tatooine, and Kessal, have all been confirmed as they are on the map. And it looks like where I placed Lothal is in fact Utapau. Interesting to note how many Prequel worlds show up, maybe we will see a clone wars expansion at some point.

I keep thinking an expansion is less likely than a entire rethemed reprint. Even if the planets remain the same, the symbols on the board would need to be changed, planetary control might be different, subtle things like that would differ. About the only material that could cross well from trilogy to trilogy would be the dice.

I keep thinking an expansion is less likely than a entire rethemed reprint. Even if the planets remain the same, the symbols on the board would need to be changed, planetary control might be different, subtle things like that would differ. About the only material that could cross well from trilogy to trilogy would be the dice.

For a while I was thinking it would be very timely of them to put out a summer expansion that brings the game into the sequel trilogy. But they'd have to change pretty much everything except the planets. Even Coruscant is no longer an Imperial world, though I suppose there could be a New Republic overlay to fix that.

I keep thinking an expansion is less likely than a entire rethemed reprint. Even if the planets remain the same, the symbols on the board would need to be changed, planetary control might be different, subtle things like that would differ. About the only material that could cross well from trilogy to trilogy would be the dice.

For a while I was thinking it would be very timely of them to put out a summer expansion that brings the game into the sequel trilogy. But they'd have to change pretty much everything except the planets. Even Coruscant is no longer an Imperial world, though I suppose there could be a New Republic overlay to fix that.

I'd actually expect them to wait till the sequel trilogy is complete. So much could happen in the next two movies, so many more characters could be introduced. To do a version based on Ep7 alone would be a waste. Wait till Ep9 hits, incorporate everything together, release Star Wars: Resistance.

While I'm never really in the market for Prequel Trilogy stuff, if this game is as good as it looks, I could be convinced to buy Star Wars: Clone War that would include elements from Ep1, 2, 3, and the clone wars cartoon. Maybe title it Star Wars: Coup instead. Then you'd have Coup, Rebellion, and Resistance.

Each version would need to be noticeably different though. More so than just new sculpts, and pasting new pictures on the cards. New goals, rules, etc would need to be put in place to fit the themes.

I think you all forgot about one of the most important planets: Kuat

Kuat must be there on this board. Which one is it? It must be capable of building Star Destroyers.

Kuat's important; it has those Drive Yards that are a big deal for the Empire.

Edited by MarthWMaster

Without Kuat, the Empire just isn't the Empire at all.

It should have 2 blue squares or a blue circle and a blue square to represent Kuat Drive Yards.

Does anybody recognize a planet with a ship yard helo on the map?


This is the game's map as we know it so far, planets with white names have been confirmed by articles and the description page while blue names are just my best guesses.


I think - and I hope - the planet labelled here as Lothal is Kuat. Even if you can't recognize a ship yards ring on this picture.

This is the game's map as we know it so far, planets with white names have been confirmed by articles and the description page while blue names are just my best guesses.


I think - and I hope - the planet labelled here as Lothal is Kuat. Even if you can't recognize a ship yards ring on this picture.

The planet I thought was Lothal turned out to be Utapau, every other blue colored named planet is the same as on the image above. AngryJoe's video of playing the game proves this. I really wish that Kuat was there, or even Lothal and Jakku since it would tie into Rebels and Episode 7, but the above map is the final rendition of the actual game board. Which is why I think we may potentially seeing a Clone Wars expansion sometime seeing as how many planets of importance from it show up.

So, no Kuat? ......... really?

.... I am disappointed ...

... very ....


Isn't Kuat canon any longer or what is happening here?


hm ... maybe there will be an expansion at some point with the other half of the galaxy ... adding those planets

Edited by TheRealStarkiller