Planets what we know so far

By Animewarsdude, in Star Wars: Rebellion

That's plausible, but some of those characters are from some very recently released expansions. Do think it was exactly between the time when that those expansions and Rebellion were being planned that the edict of Disney appeared?

Totally true, the latest X-wing, Armada and IA stuff all have 'old EU' stuff appearing. I'm not sure what the design cycle for any of the Star Wars stuff is, but I suspect the lead time for the minis-centric stuff is pretty long, so maybe these were all started long enough before the 'old/new EU' divide was set in stone that they were grandfathered in.

Anyway, I don't pretend to know all of the details. I just know that FFG's job got a lot more complicated. :)


They've said (somewhere, I can't recall) that their cycle is 18 months. So, the stuff coming out now should have been forming in their brains in the summer of 2014. The Lucasfilm Story Group started operating in 2013, and they ditched the EU in April 2014.

So, you might be right that we're seeing the last vestiges of the EU (some of which is really coming from the bottom of the EU barrel) before the axe came down. But at the same time, the LSG could have put a stop to FFG's production cycle at any point, saying: "Change [that] name into [this]". Also, they might have had to go to the LGS for clearance on any project since the formation of the group in 2013.

At any rate, I think there's too little information to be sanguine one way or the other.

They've said (somewhere, I can't recall) that their cycle is 18 months. So, the stuff coming out now should have been forming in their brains in the summer of 2014. The Lucasfilm Story Group started operating in 2013, and they ditched the EU in April 2014.

So, you might be right that we're seeing the last vestiges of the EU (some of which is really coming from the bottom of the EU barrel) before the axe came down. But at the same time, the LSG could have put a stop to FFG's production cycle at any point, saying: "Change [that] name into [this]". Also, they might have had to go to the LGS for clearance on any project since the formation of the group in 2013.

At any rate, I think there's too little information to be sanguine one way or the other.

Ah very interesting details. 18 months makes sense from a development standpoint. I think it's also true that the LSG can probably simply give a thumbs up to any 'old EU' material as they wish, bringing it into the current canon. But as you say, we don't really have enough to do more than speculate, and I've done quite enough of this at this point.


They've said (somewhere, I can't recall) that their cycle is 18 months. So, the stuff coming out now should have been forming in their brains in the summer of 2014. The Lucasfilm Story Group started operating in 2013, and they ditched the EU in April 2014.

So, you might be right that we're seeing the last vestiges of the EU (some of which is really coming from the bottom of the EU barrel) before the axe came down. But at the same time, the LSG could have put a stop to FFG's production cycle at any point, saying: "Change [that] name into [this]". Also, they might have had to go to the LGS for clearance on any project since the formation of the group in 2013.

At any rate, I think there's too little information to be sanguine one way or the other.

Ah very interesting details. 18 months makes sense from a development standpoint. I think it's also true that the LSG can probably simply give a thumbs up to any 'old EU' material as they wish, bringing it into the current canon. But as you say, we don't really have enough to do more than speculate, and I've done quite enough of this at this point.


I don't believe any of the games are canon. Letting FFG use an EU character or ship doesn't make it new canon.

Canon is currently the movies, clone wars cartoon, and books/shows/comics since the purge. Card and miniature games are not considered canon.

Made a map for another post, but I figure it gives a good idea of where everything is relatively in the galaxy and in the game.


As a loremonger, and a lover of the Essential Atlas, this is one of the more painful aspects of Rebellion.

Now, I understand that playability > realism, but it still hurts.

In some sense, I suppose it could have been a LOT worse. The game's map at least pays some lip-service to the galactic layout by having the worlds at least somewhat in the right places.

So, the simulationist in me is wondering if one could still use many of the components of the game in order to create a grander game with a somewhat more true-to-lore-scale game, but I think of it as a big investment ($85, after FLGS discount) for what might be an incomplete game (for me).

Is anybody having similar thoughts?

Maybe I should just get over myself, and learn to love the game for what it is.

I think you need to just get over it. Seriously.

It's a game. If you get too **** caught up on the lore aspect, it makes any game unplayable. Some aspect of it isn't going to fit into the lore, and you're just going to have to bite your lip and deal with it. This goes for basically every IP ever.

OMG, minor issue X from the comics somehow contradicts with minor issue Y in this board game. *Flips table*

Boba Fett's armor from the Bounty Hunter video game is a slightly different shade of green, and the Firespray lore contradicts with what I had learned from the Wikipedia page! THE HORROR!

Those elements aren't important for the enjoyment of the media you are dealing with. If they are, it's more a problem with you than the lore. Don't get me wrong, continuity is important (and if they used Earth instead of Coruscant I'd be too upset to support the product either), and I agree with you on the fact that they made some odd choices in systems for this game. But it in no way detracts from the enjoyment of the game. Sure, my hardcore star wars friends and I will argue for hours over the system choices in person, and we will repeat the discussions time and time again. But we'll still play the game and have fun doing it. My wife and kids won't know the difference, and will roll their eyes when I mention how Kuat system should be in the game instead, and consider how soon they need to send me to a 'home' as I blather on about other planetary choices.

Don't get me wrong, if you HONESTLY feel that including a system while ignoring another will somehow break the experience of a board game for you, don't get it. You're certifiably insane, but you have a right to be.

Just keep in mind that when you are at your FLGS store, and two young kids are trying to decide if they should get the game or not, you can be the cool old guy that tells them it's a really fun game where you get to decide the fate of the original trilogy, or you can be the creepy old guy that rants about how they failed to include your favorite planets.

I think you need to just get over it. Seriously.

It's a game. If you get too **** caught up on the lore aspect, it makes any game unplayable. Some aspect of it isn't going to fit into the lore, and you're just going to have to bite your lip and deal with it. This goes for basically every IP ever.

Very well said.

I agonize because I love.

Also, when it comes to who I am in the store, I'm very much the cool guy who tries to get the youngsters (ie. 20/30-somethings) into the games, and doesn't make much talk about the lore snafus unless my interlocutor brings it up.

On the forum here, I'm just making conversation.

I like to use games to explore more than just my capacity to master a strategic/tactical challenge against an opponent. I like the collaborative story-telling that a game likes us to do. Now, I'll confess that I tend towards the simulationist side, rather than to the epic/heroic side, which is probably just not a good fit for Star Wars to begin with.

They've said (somewhere, I can't recall) that their cycle is 18 months. So, the stuff coming out now should have been forming in their brains in the summer of 2014. The Lucasfilm Story Group started operating in 2013, and they ditched the EU in April 2014.

So, you might be right that we're seeing the last vestiges of the EU (some of which is really coming from the bottom of the EU barrel) before the axe came down. But at the same time, the LSG could have put a stop to FFG's production cycle at any point, saying: "Change [that] name into [this]". Also, they might have had to go to the LGS for clearance on any project since the formation of the group in 2013.

At any rate, I think there's too little information to be sanguine one way or the other.

Ah very interesting details. 18 months makes sense from a development standpoint. I think it's also true that the LSG can probably simply give a thumbs up to any 'old EU' material as they wish, bringing it into the current canon. But as you say, we don't really have enough to do more than speculate, and I've done quite enough of this at this point.


I don't believe any of the games are canon. Letting FFG use an EU character or ship doesn't make it new canon.

Canon is currently the movies, clone wars cartoon, and books/shows/comics since the purge. Card and miniature games are not considered canon.

The SW:BF video game apparently IS canon though

I think you need to just get over it. Seriously.

It's a game. If you get too **** caught up on the lore aspect, it makes any game unplayable. Some aspect of it isn't going to fit into the lore, and you're just going to have to bite your lip and deal with it. This goes for basically every IP ever.

Very well said.

I agonize because I love.

Also, when it comes to who I am in the store, I'm very much the cool guy who tries to get the youngsters (ie. 20/30-somethings) into the games, and doesn't make much talk about the lore snafus unless my interlocutor brings it up.

On the forum here, I'm just making conversation.

I like to use games to explore more than just my capacity to master a strategic/tactical challenge against an opponent. I like the collaborative story-telling that a game likes us to do. Now, I'll confess that I tend towards the simulationist side, rather than to the epic/heroic side, which is probably just not a good fit for Star Wars to begin with.

I salute you both!